Figure 4-1.--A 26-foot Mk 10 motor whaleboat.
Figure 4-3.--A flag officer's barge.
slight amount of surface damage may be deceptive and
may cause you to overlook deeper and more serious
damage. For example, a direct blow that is heavy
enough to damage the stem of a utility boat may cause
severe damage to the stem apron, knee, keel, or
keelson; a blow that ruptures the transom planking
may break or crack a stern frame; and a broadside
bump that seems to do little damage might actually
loosen or damage an engine stringer or girder.
To determine the extent of the damage, you will
probably have to scrape the paint away from a fairly
large area. If the stem is damaged, you should remove
Figure 4-2.--Utility boat being used as a personnel carrier.
the towing post and chafing plate. The towing post
may be removed by pulling the retaining pin, which is
located under the towing post partner, and lifting the
post straight upward from the step or securing plate on
the keel. Figure 4-6 shows a boat from which the
The first step in repairing a boat is to make a
towing post, or bitt, has been removed. On some craft,
thorough inspection to determine the extent of the
it may also be necessary to remove some of the
damage. It is particularly Important to determine the
decking to reach the stem and apron.
condition of the main strength members. A relatively