Figure 4-17.--Typical stiffeners.
sheet of separating film over the glass-resin layup and
3. After the putty has hardened, sand the area to be
repaired down to the wood and sand the surface of the
work out the entrapped air and excess resin by stroking
resin-coated glass to produce a 6-inch wide abraded
from the center outward with the spreading tool. Tape
surface around the void.
the film in place.
4. Cut the same number of plies used for the
8. After the patch has set, remove the separating
original coating and tailor these to fit the patch and the
film. Sand off any excess resin or irregularities. If the
abraded area around it.
patch is to be painted, sand the surface lightly before
5. Based on the amount of cloth used for the patch,
estimate the amount of resin needed. Mix the liquid
resin and hardener.
Large Hole Repairs
6. Paint a liberal coat of the resin-hardener mixture
over the abraded wood and over the abraded adjacent
In repairing large holes that completely penetrate
the laminate, mark the damaged area with chalk, as
shown earlier in figure 4-8. Using a reciprocating
7. Place one of the plies of cloth over the painted
sabre saw, cut away the damaged area enclosed by the
area and coat it with additional resin-hardener mixture.
chalk mark. (See fig. 4-11.)
Lay up the remaining plies in the same manner. Place a