SLIP JOINT--An inserted joint in which the end of
RUN--A section made of more than one length of pipe;
one pipe is slipped into the flared or swaged end of
the portion of a fitting having its ends "in line,"
an adjacent pipe.
contrasted with the branch or side opening of a tee.
SOCKET--A recess, or piece furnished with a recess,
SAE--Society of Automotive Engineers.
into which some other piece may be inserted and
SAFETY TREADS--A special nonslipping metal
secured. For example, the enlarged and recessed
plate fitted to the deck at the foot of a ladder or
end of a cast--iron pipe into which the end of a
stairway and often fitted on the upper surface of the
second pipe is inserted.
steps of ladders and stairs. Steps made of safety
SOCKET PLUG--A device for stopping the ends of
threads are called safety steps.
pipes or openings in pipe fittings. It differs from an
ordinary plug in that it has a recess into which a
SCARF--An end connection made between two pieces
wrench fits.
of material. The ends of the two pieces are tapered
so that they fit together in a joint of the same breadth
SOFT PATCH--A temporary plate put on over a break
or hole and secured. It is made watertight with a
and depth as the pieces.
gasket such as canvas saturated in red lead.
SCARF WELD--A joint made by overlapping and
SOFT SOLDER--An alloy of tin and lead that melts
welding together the scarfed or beveled edges of
at a lower temperature than either tin or lead.
metal plate.
SOLDER-- An alloy used to connect two metals that
SCUPPER CASTINGS--An opening cut through the
are less easily heated.
waterway and bulwarks of a ship so that water
falling on the deck may flow overboard. The
SOLDER JOINT--A joint soldered by feeding solder
through a hole in a valve or fitting. The piping is
casting is secured under the opening that is cut in
inserted in the valve, the connection is heated, and
the waterway.
the solder is liquified by the heat and flows between
SEAM--A term applied to an edge joint.
the contacting surfaces.
SEAMLESS-- This term means that a pipe is without
SOUND-- To determine the depth of water.
seam, especially without a welded seam. Seamless
SPECIFICATION-- A detailed description or
pipe is produced by a cupping or mandrel process.
identification relating to quality, strength, or similar
SEQUENTIALLY-- Done in a predesigned sequence,
performance requirements.
not necessarily in numerical order.
STANDARD PRESSURE--This term applies to all
SET, PERMANENT--The permanent deformation
valves and fittings that support a working pressure
caused by stressing an elastic material beyond its
of 125 pounds per square inch.
elastic limit.
STIFFENER--An angle bar, T-bar, channel, or related
parts used to stiffen the plating of a bulkhead or
SHEET STEEL--Flat steel weighing less than 5
similar areas.
pounds per square foot.
STRAIGHT EDGE--A relatively long piece of
SHORT NIPPLE--A nipple with a length that is
material having one or both edges a true plane.
somewhat longer than the length of a close nipple,
but is only a little greater than that of two threaded
STRENGTH--The ability of a material to resist strain.
lengths. There is always some unthreaded shoulder
between the two threads.
stresses or casting strains.
SHOULDER NIPPLE--A nipple that has a shoulder
STUD--A bolt threaded on both ends, one of which is
of pipe between the two pipe threads. This nipple
driven into but not through a hole that has been
may be any length, but is usually about halfway
bottom drilled and tapped, and the other end
between a close nipple and a short nipple.
secured by the stud.
SLEEVE--This term is used generally to designate a
STUD BOLT--A bolt threaded on both ends, but larger
tubular piece of metal that slips over a metal rod,
than a stud, driven into a hole that has been drilled
and tapped. This permits connections to the bolts
pipe, or other tubular form.