FLANGE--The turned edge of a plate or girder that
ELBOW or ELL--A fitting that makes an angle
acts to resist bending. The turned edge of a plate or
between adjacent pipes. Unless the angle is
shape for tying in intersecting structural members.
specifically stated, the elbow is a 90-degree angle.
A casting or forging attached to, or worked
EXPANSION JOINT--A device for connecting up
integrally with, a pipe to form a disk, normal to the
long lines of pipe to permit linear expansion and
axis of an exterior to the pipe, for connecting
contraction. The usual pattern of an expansion joint
lengths of pipe.
is a sleeve attached to one length of pipe and passing
FLANGED JOINT--A joint in a pipe made by bolting
through a stuffing gland attached to a second length
of pipe.
flanges together.
FLUX--A fusible material or gas used to dissolve or
EXPANSION LOOP--Either a U-shaped bend or a
"pigtail" coil.
prevent the formation of oxides, nitrides, or other
undesirable inclusions formed in welding and
EXPANSION PIPES--pipes in refrigerated spaces
brazing. Flux also aids fusion.
that lower temperature when the refrigerant flowing
through the pipes changes to a gas under release of
FOLLOWER-- A half coupling or locknut used on a
pressure, and in the process of changing from the
long screw.
liquid to the gaseous state, draws heat from the
FRAME--(l) A term generally used to designate one
surrounding space.
of the transverse ribs that make up the skeleton of
EXTRA STRONG--The correct term for pipe that is
a ship. The frames act as stiffeners, holding the
thicker than standard pipe, but not as heavy as
outside plating in shape and maintaining the
double extra strong pipe.
transverse form of the ship. (2) The athwartship
strength member of a ship's hull.
FABRICATE--To shape and assemble the component
parts and to secure them in place to form a complete
GAUGE-- Devices for testing threaded, plug, and
whole. To manufacture.
ringed pieces.
FACED-- A term used to indicate that flanges are faced
GAUGE LENGTH--The distance that a gauge will go
after they are attached to pipe, and that the pipe ends
on the threaded end of a pipe by hand.
are faced flush with the flange, with flange and pipe
GAUGE RING--A ring used for gauging the thread
ends at right angles to the long axis of the pipe.
on a pipe.
FACEPLATE-- A flat plate fitted perpendicular to the
GALVANIZING-- The process by which a layer of
web and welded to the web plate; or welded or
zinc is applied to iron or steel surfaces.
riveted to the flange or flanges of a frame, beam
stiffener, or girder to balance the continuous plating
attached to the opposite flange of the member.
in making a joint.
FATIGUE--The tendency of a material to break under
GATE VALVE--A sluice with two inclined seats
repeated strain.
between which the valve wedges down in closing.
FERROUS--Refers to metals having iron as the base
The passage through the valve is in an uninterrupted
line, and when the valve is opened, the sluice is
drawn up into a dome or recess, leaving an
FILE-FINISH-- Finishing a metal surface with a file.
unobstructed passage the full diameter of the pipe.
FILLET--A term applied to the metal filling in the
GLOBE VALVE--A valve with a round, ball-like
bosom or concave comers where abrupt changes in
shell, and much in use for regulating or controlling
direction occur in the surface of a casting, forging,
the flow of gases or steam.
or weldment.
GRIND-- Truing up the surface of a casting with an
FITTINGS--A term used to denote all bends, unions,
abrasive wheel or belt.
flanges, and related parts except couplings and
valves that are attached to a piping system to
GROMMET-- A ring of lampwick or hemp, soaked in
provide connections or outlets.
red lead or linseed oil, and placed under washers.
When drawn tight, this forms a watertight seal at
FLAMMABLE-- A combustible material that bums
deck, bulkhead, or shell connections.
easily, intensely, or quickly.