Chapter 7—AUXILIARY MACHINERYother light oils that vaporize easily and that, undercompression, form a highly explosive mixture.4. Use only the minimum amount and theproper grade of oil for cylinder lubrication.5. Secure a compressor immediately if thereis an abnormal rise in the temperature of airdischarge from any stage.6. Be sure a relief valve is installed betweena compressor and a stop valve, or a check valveis installed between a compressor and the receiver.If there is no relief valve and the compressor isstarted against a closed valve or a deranged checkvalve, the air will not be able to escape and anexplosion will result.7. Do not leave a compressor station afterstarting a compressor, especially a new com-pressor or one that has been idle for some time,until you are positive that the control, unloading,and governing devices are working properly.8. Do not disconnect any part of a com-pressor if the system is under pressure. To avoidserious accidents, the following precautionsshould be taken before working on, or removing,any part of a compressor:a. Leave all pressure gages open.b. Be sure the compressor is actually securedand cannot be started automatically oraccidentally.c. Be sure the compressor is completelyblown down.d. Be sure all valves, including the controlor unloading valves, between the compressor andthe receiver are closed.9. Operate a compressor at recommendedspeeds and maintain proper cooling water circula-tion to prevent damage from excessivetemperatures.10.Drain the circulating water system of acompressor if it is to remain idle for an extendedperiod, or if it is to be exposed to freezingtemperature.AUXILIARY BOILERSInformationabouttheoperation,maintenance, and safety regarding auxiliaryboilers in this chapter supplements that given inEngineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (currentedition). Detailed information on construction,operation, and maintenance of auxiliary boilersmust be obtained from the manufacturer’stechnical manual.OPERATIONThe operation of auxiliary boilers used ondiesel-driven ships is under the supervision of anENC or EN1. You should ensure that personnelcharged with the operation and maintenance ofan auxiliary boiler are thoroughly familiar withthe boiler and its associated equipment. Satisfac-tory operation of the boiler depends on propercare and maintenance. Specific attention must bepaid to maintaining automatic regulating, control,and safety devices in proper operating condition.Failure of these devices may lead to a majorcasualty, damage to equipment, and injury to per-sonnel; therefore, continuous, alert watchstandingshould be maintained while the auxiliary boileris in semiautomatic or manual operation. Anoperating auxiliary boiler should never be leftunattended.TROUBLESHOOTINGFaulty operation of auxiliary boilers isindicated by various symptoms. These symptomsmay indicate one or more conditions in the boiler.Each condition must be corrected. Consult themanufacturer’s technical manual for detailedinformation on troubleshooting a particularboiler. Knowing the probable causes of a par-ticular symptom can assist you in correcting anytrouble quickly and efficiently. Some of thetroubles encountered in the operation of auxiliaryboilers and their causes are listed in figure 7-2.AUXILIARY BOILERWATER TREATMENTThe auxiliary boiler feedwater is exposed tothe same contaminants as the propulsion boilerfeedwater. Auxiliary boilers are generally used forhotel service loads, and shore water used forfeedwater is usually the prime source of con-tamination. The shore water may contaminate thefeedwater system by leakage through malfunction-ing galley mixing valves, laundry equipment, and7-7
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