ENGINEMAN 1 & Cfreshly filled, chemically treated boiler, prior tolight off, is not representative and is thereforemeaningless. The freshly filled and treated boilershall be steamed immediately but not laterthan 24 hours after being filled. Preferably, theboiler should not be filled unless it is expectedto be fired within 24 hours. If the boiler can-not be steamed within 24 hours, it should beplaced under dry layup in accordance with chap-ter 221, Boilers, Naval Ships’ TechnicalManual.ALKALINITY AND PHOSPHATE.—Sincethe addition of TSP to raise the alkalinityalso raises the phosphate, the control of alkalinityand phosphate are linked. The DSP providesadditional phosphate as needed. The boilerwater volume for chemical treatment must bedetermined as described earlier. Using thisvolume, the dosages of TSP and DSP arecalculated. Table 7-4 gives the TSP dosage fac-tor (ounces per gallon) for all values of alkalinity.The boiler volume is multiplied by the factor andthe dosage of TSP is entered to the nearest one-half ounce in the appropriate space. The increasein phosphate due to TSP is given in the lastcolumn. The DSP dosages are calculated similarlyusing the DSP factors (ounces per gallon) givenin table 7-5. TSP and DSP dosages for the aux-iliary boilers are given in tables 7-6 and 7-7. Theprocedures for determining the chemical treatmentTable 7-4.—Trisodium Phosphate Dosage For Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boilers (Trisodium Pbosphate, Dodecahydrate,Na3PO412H20)Boiler waterAlkalinityepm (meg/L)0.10.095X=0.20.090X=0.30.085X=0.40.080X=0.50.075X=0.60.070X=0.70.065X=0.80.060X=0.90.055X=1.00.050X=1.10.045X=1.20.040X=1.30.035X=1.40.030X=1.50.025X=1.60.020X=1.70.015X=1.80.010X=1.90.005XTSP DosageFactor(ounces/gallon)X(Enter)Boiler WaterVolume forChemicalTreatment(gallons)=(Calculate)Ounces of TSPrequired to raisealkalinityto 2.0 epmPhosphateCorrection18017016015014013012011010090908070605040302010=1 gallon = 3.785 liters1 ounce = 28.35 gramsTSP - Trisodium Phosphate7-12
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