ENGINEMAN 1 & CTable 7-2.—Natural Circulation Auxiliary Boiler Water Initial DosageFactor XBoiler Volume(ounces/for Chemicalgallon)Treatment (gallons)=Initial Dosage(ounces)TSP0.100 x=DSP0.022 x=Initial dosages for several of the auxiliaryboilers are given in table 7-3. The volumes listedare for the following vessels:FF-1040, FF-1041, AGFF-1215 gallonsOther ships having pressure-fired main boilersLST- 1179 class300 gallons280 gallonsMSOs having cyclothermMC-800 boilers84 gallonsWeigh the necessary amount of chemicals andplace both in the 10-liter safety dispensing bot-tle. The safety dispensing bottle should bemarked and used “For boiler water treatmentchemicals only.” Add cold feedwater, cap thebottle and spout, then shake to dissolve. Injectthe solution into the boiler.Auxiliary boilers are equipped with a chemicalinjection system on a bypass of the feedwater line.One treatment system schematic and general pro-cedures for auxiliary boilers are presented in figure7-3. When you are operating an injection system,slightly overfill the tank to bleed air out of it. Theover-filling must be minimal; otherwise an ex-cessive amount of treatment will be discharged tothe bilge. In addition, injection must continue forat least 10 minutes to ensure that all of the treat-ment is flushed into the boiler. Upon completionof the chemical addition, finish filling the boilerto the lightoff level, or if the boiler has been over-filled, drain until the proper water level isreached. A boiler water sample obtained from aTable 7-3.—Chemical Weights For Freshly Filling Some Auxiliary BoilersBoiler Water Volume forChemical Treatment(gallons)84215280300Weight required *TSP(ounces)8.5Weight required **DSP(ounces)221.528304.566.51 gallon = 3.785 liters1 ounce = 28.35 grams16 ounces = 1 pound*TSP - Trisodium Phosphate**DSP - Disodium Phosphate7-10
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