INDEXAAuxiliary machinery, 7-1 to 7-35automatic pressure control devices, 7-33to 7-35reducing valves, 7-34 to 7-35relief valves, 7-33 to 7-34auxiliary boilers, 7-7 to 7-16auxiliary boiler water treatment, 7-7to 7-16operation, 7-7troubleshooting, 7-7compressed air systems, 7-1 to 7-7care and maintenance of air com-pressors, 7-1 to 7-5care and maintenance of air systemequipment, 7-5inspections and tests, 7-5safety precautions, 7-5 to 7-7distilling plants, 7-22 to 7-33flash type distilling plants, 7-28 to7-33submerged tube plants, 7-22 to7-28hydraulic systems, 7-16 to 7-22maintenance, 7-18 to 7-20servovalves, 7-20 to 7-22troubleshooting, 7-16 to 7-18Administration, supervision, and training, 2-1to 2-53administration and supervision, 2-1 to2-24maintenance and repair responsi-bilities, 2-19 to 2-24operational responsibilities, 2-1 to2-19inspections and trials, 2-39 to 2-53administrative inspection, 2-39 to2-42Board of Inspection and Surveyinspection, 2-48 to 2-49material inspection, 2-45 to 2-48operational readiness inspection, 2-43to 2-45ship trials, 2-49 to 2-53training, 2-24 to 2-39training programs, 2-26 to 2-39training responsibilities, 2-24 to 2-26Administrative inspection, 2-39 to 2-42Air compressors, care and maintenance of,7-1 to 7-5Air conditioning and refrigeration, 6-1 to 6-2Air conditioning control, 6-15 to 6-17Air-cooled condensers, cleaning, 6-8Air system equipment, care and maintenanceof, 7-5Automatic pressure control devices, 7-33 to7-35Automatic regulating valve, 3-6 to 3-11Auxiliary boiler water treatment, 7-7 to 7-16Auxiliary boilers, 7-7 to 7-16Auxiliary drive mechanisms, 3-37 to 3-41BBattle casualities, 9-13 to 9-14Bearings and shafts, 3-31 to 3-37Blower rotor gears, 3-39Board of Inspection and Survey inspection,2-48 to 2-49I-1
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