6. The absence of a tag or label may not be takenas permission for unauthorized operation of equipment.7. Whenever a tag or label is issued, correct thesituation requiring the tag or label so it can be removedas soon as possible.8. The tag-out procedure is for use by the ship’spersonnel on the equipment and systems for which theyare responsible. However, repair activity personnelshould use the procedure to the maximum extentpracticable with systems and equipment that are stillunder construction.9. Standard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy, OPNAV Instruction 3120.32B, is alsorequired when work is being done by an intermediatelevel maintenance activity on equipment or systems thatare the responsibility of the ship’s force. Sometimes aship is under construction or assigned to a repair activitynot under the control of the type commander. When thathappens, the ship’s force and the repair activity mayhave to agree on the use of tags and labels. In this case,the tag-out system should be formal in nature andfamiliar to both the repair activity and the ship’s force.10. Any person who knows of a situation requiringtags or labels should request that they be issued andapplied.11. When using labels, you should list on the log anyassociated requirements specified for installationprocedures, test procedures, work permits (ripouts orreentries), or system turnover agreements.12. Make each decision on a case-by-case basis asto whether an OUT-OF-COMMISSION or anOUT-OF-CALIBRATION instrument label is to beused. In general, if the instrument error is small andconsistent, you can use an OUT-OF-CALIBRATIONlabel and the operator may continue to use theinstrument. When you use anOUT-OF-CALIBRATION label, mark on the label themagnitude and units of the required correction.However, when you use an OUT-OF-COMMISSIONlabel, the instrument should not be used.13. Use enough tags to completely isolate a sectionof piping or circuit being worked on, or to prevent theoperation of a system or component from all stations thatcould exercise control. Use system diagrams or circuitschematics to determine the adequacy of all tag-outactions.14. Careful planning of tag-outs can significantlyreduce the number of record sheets and tags. Planningcan also reduce the effort required to perform audits,particularly during periods of overhaul or repair. Forexample, a system and the equipment serviced by thesystem can be isolated and tagged-out at its boundarieswith other systems. Then several different actions canbe performed within the boundaries. Also, only onetag-out record sheet with associated tags will be requiredfor the work within the boundaries. When you initiatethe tag-out, include all known work items in theOperations/Work Items Included in Tag-out section. Ifyou add work items to a tag-out record sheet after initialissue, take the following action:a. If no additional tags are required for the newwork, have the authorizing officer and, if required, therepair activity representative make sure the work isconsistent with the purpose of the tag-out. New workmust be fully described in the Operations/Work ItemsIncluded in Tag-out section of the record sheet. Theauthorizing officer should make a thorough review toensure the completeness and accuracy of the existingtag-out. This is the same procedure used to initiate a newtag-out record sheet for the added work The authorizingofficer (and repair activity representative) should signthe appropriate blocks next to the added item.b. Additional tags may be needed to provideenough isolation for work that is to be added. If so, youmust follow the procedures described later in thischapter for adding tags to an existing record sheet.PROCEDURESAssume that a requirement for tags has beenidentified, and that the affected system will be out ofcommission as a result of the tag-out action. Theauthorizing officer must ask the commanding officerand the responsible department head for permission tobegin the tag-out. The authorizing officer must alsonotify the responsible division officer of the requirementfor tag-out. On ships having damage control central(DCC), the authorizing officer must notify DCC if theaffected system or component will be out ofcommission. The authorizing officer should haveapproval from either the OOD or the EOOW if thetag-out will affect systems under their responsibility.After obtaining permission, the authorizing officershould direct the preparation of the tag-out record sheetand tags according to the following procedures. Theprocedures may be modified during overhaul periods atthe discretion of the commanding officer.1. PREPARING TAGS AND THE RECORDSHEET. DANGER and CAUTION tags and theassociated tag-out record should be prepared as follows:1-15
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