The operators of Class B assignedCESE signs the CB 60 form assuming fullcustody of mounted collateral gear. CB 60forms for Class C mounted collateral gearon CESE are signed by the yard boss. Themounted collateral gear should beannotated on the daily (rip ticket, andcustody is assumed by the operator whosigns the trip ticket, or the collateralequipage can be issued and returned tocollateral each time the unit of CESE isdispatched.ATTACHMENT CUSTODIANAttachments are accessories toconstruction equipment that enable thebasic equipment to perform its functionor adds versatility. Attachments arestored on handstands to keep the itemsout of sand, mud, and water. Hydrauliclines and fittings are sealed forprotection from dirt and moisture.Attachment accessories, such asbucket teeth, sprockets, drum lagging, andwedges, are placed in boxes or on palletsand marked for the appropriate equipment.Wire rope, sheaves, and bolt threads arelubricated. Nuts and bolts are stored intheir respective holes on the attachmentswhen possible. Exposed machined surfacesand open parts are preserved to preventoxidation and damage. Storage ismaintained to ensure attachments belongingto one USN number are stored together.The attachment custodian maintains acard file and log that provides anaccurate inventory of receipts and issuesof attachments, when the attachments werelast lubricated, and any damage incurredfrom one operation to another. Inaddition, the custodian is responsible forthe segregated storage of all attachmentsand their associated accessories.The Attachments Status Board (fig.1-13) is maintained in the dispatcher’soffice by the attachment custodian. TheAttachments Status Board reflects theattachment code, NAVFAC identificationnumber, abbreviated description, the USNnumber of the equipment to which theattachment is assigned, the PM group (sameas the equipment the attachment isassigned), and location and remarks. Thecollateral equipage custodian usuallyperforms the duties of the attachmentcustodian.FUEL OPERATIONSThe transportation pool manages allfuel operations. The Equipment Operator incharge of fuel operations must be mature,independent, and reliable. The abilitiesto communicate and to maintain logs arealso required. A poor fuel program resultsin needless downtime of equipment anddelays in production.The fuel truck driver reviews theEquipment Status Board to determine thelocation of all CESE. The driver learnsthe fuel requirements and function of allequipment used on construction projects bycommunicating with the project crewleaders, the assigned Equipment Operator,and the transportation supervisor.The fuel truck driver must beknowledgeable of all CESE. The driver mustavoid fueling with the wrong fuel orfilling hydraulic or cooling systems withfuel. Maintenance and transportationsuper-visors have fuel tanks stenciledwith the words MOGAS or DIESEL to avoidthis problem.Figure 1-13.—Attachments Status Board.1-16
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