COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCB 60 Form (fig. 1- 10),for each line item of equipage for each unit of CESE.The equipage custodian enters all outstandingrequisitions, receipts, issues, locations, losses, andannotates the allowance of a particular line item ofequipage for each CESE on the CB 60 form.The equipage custodian maintains the CB 60forms in folders for each USN-numbered CESE. TheCB 60 forms are pulled on the PM date to perform aninventory of mounted or stored collateral equipage foreach USN-numbered CESE entering the shop. Theequipage custodian prepares a NAVSUP Form 1250-1(fig. 1-11) or a 1250-2 (fig. 1-12) for lost, damaged, ordeteriorated collateral equipment. Outstandingrequisitions, amount of gear on hand, and the dateinventoried are all on the CB 60 form. The inventoryprocedures are accountable man-hours on theEquipment Repair Order.Figure 1-12.—Non-NSN Requisition, NAVSUP Form 1250-2.1-15
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