CHAPTER 1TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISORThe Navy has millions of dollars invested intransportation and construction equipment. In theNaval Construction Force (NCF), equipmentrepresents more than 70 percent of the total NCFoutfitting cost.Equipment is the “backbone” of the Seabees. Theenforcement of instructions to ensure propermanagement and supervision of equipment operationsstarts with the first-class community.This chapter presents the responsibilities of anEquipment Operator assigned to provide supervisionof a construction and automotive equipment pool atthe Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB)level.TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISORRESPONSIBILITIESThe responsibilities of the transportationsupervisor are to supervise and control operations,operator maintenance, and the cycle of automotive,construction, and weight-handling equipment. Also,the transportation supervisor ensures the trans-portation pool supports the transport of personnel,equipment, and materials, and maintains and operatesall fuel, petroleum oil, and lubricant storage anddispensing facilities.The basic goal of the transportation supervisor isto ensure that safe and serviceable equipment isavailable for use and the maximum service life of theequipment is achieved.EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENTINSTRUCTIONSInstructions and publications have beenestablished to regulate the management and control ofequipment. Equipment and supplies procured for theNavy are assigned to various inventory managers.Major construction equipment, automotiveequipment, specialized equipment, amphibious gear,and civil engineer support equipment (CESE) areclassed as 2C materials.The Naval FacilitiesEngineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM) is theinventorymanagerfor all 2C material in the Navy.1-1The Civil Engineer Support Office (CESO) at theNaval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme,California, has the managementresponsibility for 2Cmaterials.Management of Transportation Equipment,NAVFAC P-300To supervise a transportation pool properly, youmust be knowledgeable of the applicable publicationsand instructions.The NAVFAC P-300 was developed for themanagement of equipment in a stable environment.The NAVFAC P-300 is a compilation of directivesissued by the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), theChief of Naval Operations (CNO), and theCommander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command(COMNAVFACENGCOM). NAVFAC P-300provides general and detailed procedures for theadministration, operation, and maintenance oftransportation equipment. The areas included are asfollows: administration, procurement, rental, charter,assignment, loan, utilization, registration, andtechnical record control.Additionally, NAVFACP-300 provides instructions for the disposition of andthe operational procedures for automotive,construction, railroad, and special categorytransportation equipment. Procedures are includedfor maintenance planning, scheduling, maintenancecontrol, material support, equipment modification,painting, identification markings, protective coatings,and selection and application of fuels and lubricants.Equipment Management Manual,NAVFAC P-404The NAVFAC P-404 establishes criteria, policies,and procedures for the management of CESEassigned to the Naval Construction Force (NCF),Special Operating Units (SOUs), and the NavalConstruction Training Centers (NCTCs). TheNAVFAC P-404 meets the needs of the NCF and theSOUs. These organizations are required to performprojects in a variety of extreme conditions whileexperiencing a constant turnover of personnel whorequire specific procedural direction.
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