CHAPTER 4PROJECT SUPERVISORThe mission of the Naval Mobile ConstructionBattalion (NMCB) includes operational readiness,construction, defense, and disaster preparednessoperations. To achieve these assigned missions, theNMCB is organizationally structured for the dualpurpose of construction and military supportoperations.The commanding officer (CO) of the NMCBhas direct responsibility for the timely preparednessand successful completion of all construction projectsand disaster recovery operations assigned to theNMCB by higher authority. The operations officer (S-3) is responsible to the CO for management of theconstruction and disaster preparedness programs.Additionally, the operations officer is granted directsupervisory authority over the utilization of thebattalion’s construction resources: personnel,equipment, and materials. The element in the overallNMCB organization by which the battalion’s missionis accomplished is the company structure (fig. 4-1).The NMCB is composed of two categories ofcompanies: construction companies and lineFigure 4-1.—Model of an NMCB organization.companies. Construction companies are designated asAlfa, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. These companieshave the capabilities needed for direct missionaccomplishment. Headquarters company is the linecompany and serves as the military andadministration organization for the NMCB.Within the battalion, Alfa company has theprimary responsibility for the operation andmaintenance of all assigned automotive, construction,and weight-handling equipment. Under theconstruction concept of prime contractor/leadcompany, Alfa company performs as a prime orsubcontractor, sometimes both, for assignedconstruction projects. The prime contractor isresponsible for the safety, quality, and timeliness ofthe construction effort and directs subcontractsupport accordingly. The subcontractor is responsiblefor providing resources in sufficient quantity andquality to accomplish a portion of a constructionproject according to schedules.The Alfa company commander (A-6) isdirectly responsible to the operations officer (S-3) forAlfa company assigned projects. The Alfa companyoperation chief (A-3) is responsible to the companycommander for all prime and subproject support andnormally assigns a projects chief (A-32) to support themanagement of the construction projects. Thecompany commander, company operation chief, andprojects chief, and usually, the company chief jointlyreview the preliminary construction tasking for anassigned prime project or projects. They then selectthe project supervisor(s) who is/are given theresponsibility to carry out the project tasking. Thecompany selected project supervisor is appointed bythe operations officer for the assigned constructionproject.PROJECT SUPERVISORRESPONSIBILITIESIn some commands, the project supervisor isreferred to as the “crew leader.” In this chapter, theterm project supervisor refers to the individualassigned as the person in charge of a constructionproject. This chapter presents the basic informationyou are required to know in order to perform theduties and carry out your responsibilities whenassigned as a project supervisor.4-1
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