, crushing, bird caging, or any otherdamage resulting in distortion of the wire ropestructureEvidences of heat damageEnd attachments that are cracked, deformed orwornHooks that have an obviously abnormal(usually 15 percent from the originalspecification) throat opening, measured at thenarrowest point or twisted more than 10degrees from the plane of the unbent hookCorrosion of the wire rope sling or endattachmentsTo avoid confusion and to eliminate doubt, youmust not downgrade slings to a lower rated capacity.A sling must be removed from service if it cannotsafely lift the load capacity in which it is rated. Slingsand hooks removed from service must be destroyedby cutting before disposal. This ensures inadvertentuse by another unit.When a leg on a multiple-legbridle sling is unsafe, you only have to destroy thedamanged or unsafe leg(s).Units that have thecapability may fabricate replacement legs in the field,provided the wire rope replacement is in compliancewith specifications.The NCF has a hydraulicswaging and splicing kit in the Battalion Table ofAllowance. The kit, 80092, contains the tools andequipment necessary to fabricate 3/8- through5/8-inch sizes of wire rope slings. Before use, allfabricatedd slings must be proof-tested, as outlined inthe COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 11200.11series.Spreader bars, shackles, hooks, and so forth, mustalso be visually inspected before each use for obviousdamage or deformation.A visual inspection of all active slings andrigging geat must be conducted by the crane crewsupervisor every 60 days. The inspections are notedon the Proof Testing/Inspection Record Cards. Anydeterioration that could result in an appreciable loss ofthe orginal strength of a sling or component justifiesit being removed immediately from service. Afterpassing inspection, a proof test must be conductedbefore returning a sling to service.Wire Rope MaintenanceWire rope must be thoroughly claened at regularintervals. A wire brush can be used to remove most ofthe dirt and grit that may accumulate on the wire.Rust should also be removed when the rope iscleaned. After cleaning, you should allow the wirerope to dry before it is lubricated.The object of cleaning wire rope is to remove allforeign material and old lubricant from the valleysbetween the strands and the spaces and between theouter wires to permit the lubricant to penetrate intothe rope.Wire Rope LubricationPeriodic lubrication of wire rope is essential toprolong the life of a rope. Lubricants generally do notlast through the life of a rope; therefore, this requiresthat the lubricant be renewed. A good grade of newoil or grease (never use engine oil) can be used for thispurpose. It should be free of acids and alkalis andshould be light enough to penetrate between the wiresand strands of the rope and applied as uniformly aspossible throughout the length of the rope.COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST recommendsthe use of 70:30 ratio of new oil to diesel fuel for awire rope lubricant. Wire rope should be cleaned andlubricated before storing.Wire Rope Safe Operating ProceduresAll personnel involved with the use of wire ropeslings should be thoroughly instructed and trained 10comply with the following practices:1. Wire rope slings must not be used with loadsthat exceed the rated capacities outlined in enclosure(2) of the COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST11200.11 series. Slings not included in the enclosuremust be used only according to the manufacturer’srecommendation.2. Determine the weight of a load beforeattempting any lift.3. Select a sling with sufficient capacity rating.4. Examine all hardware, equipment, tackle,and slings before using them and destroy all defectivecomponents.5. Use the proper hitch.6. Guide loads with a tag line when practical.7. When using multiple-leg slings, selectlongest sling practical to reduce the stress onindividual sling legs.8. Attach the sling securely to the load.thethe3-32
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