PM group. When DTO parts are received, they mustbe placed in the cube that corresponds to the PMgroup of the equipment requiring the parts.Technical LibrarianTechnical librarians are responsible for theprepacked library consisting of operational,maintenance, and part’s manuals. They establish andenforce check-out procedures for manuals and initiateparts requisitions on NAVSUP Form 1250s. The taskof researching and preparing the 1250s is normallyhandled by the technical librarian to free the floormechanics to perform maintenance functions.MAINTENANCE LEVELSThe CESE Maintenance System of the NCF andSOU has three categories of maintenance. Thesethree categories are (1) organizational, (2) inter-mediate, and (3) depot.Organizational MaintenanceOrganizational maintenance is divided into twoclassifications: operator maintenance and preventivemaintenance.Operator maintenance is that whichevery operator is required to perform to maintain theequipment in a clean, safe, and serviceable condition.It includes the daily inspections, lubrications, andadjustments necessary to ensure early detection ofequipment malfunctions.The prime objective ofpreventive maintenance is to maximize equipmentavailability and minimize repair costs. Preventivemaintenance consists of safety and serviceabilityinspections, lubrication, minor services, andadjustments beyond those in operator maintenance.Operators should participate in this work unlessspecifically directed otherwise.Intermediate MaintenanceIntermediate maintenance provides a higherdegree of skill than organizational maintenance. Theextent of intermediate maintenance is the removal,replacement, repair, alteration, calibration, modi-fication, and the rebuild and overhaul of individualassemblies, subassemblies, and components. Onlyessential repairs are accomplished to ensure safe andserviceable equipment. Prior approval is required onequipment requiring extensive repairs or numerousassemblies that are rebuilt.Depot MaintenanceDepot maintenance is performed on equipmentrequiring major overhaul or comprehensiverestoration that returns CESE to a like-new condition.Most NCF depot maintenance is performed by theConstruction Equipment Department (CED) at bothPort Hueneme, California, and Gulfport, Mississippi.Maintenance SchedulingThe standard interval between PM serviceinspections for NCF equipment is 40 working days.This interval is established by grouping all assignedequipment into 40 separate PM groups (fig. 1-19).The equipment is distributed evenly throughout thePM groups, so only a minimum number of similartypes of equipment are out of service at the same time.For reserve units, the standard PM interval is 90calendar days, and the equipment is assigned to one ofsix PM groups.The maintenance supervisor is responsible fordetermining when the PM interval for an item ofequipment should be reduced. The time interval canbe reduced by assigning specific items of equipmentto more than one group or by reducing the totalnumber of groups. The interval between PM serviceinspections for active CESE should never extendbeyond the maintenance scheduling standards.Continuity of the PM schedule is maintained bytransferring the schedule from a relieved unit to therelieving unit.TYPE A (01) INSPECTION.— Type Ainspections are given at intervals of 40 working days,using the appropriate PM Service and InspectionGuide set forth in the COMSECOND/COMTHIRD-NCBINST 11200.1 Series. Type A inspections aregiven at 90 calendar days for the reserve NCBs. TypeA inspections are performed on each PM scheduleddate until the vehicle qualifies for a Type Binspection.TYPE B (02) INSPECTION.— To prevent a unitof CESE from being over inspected or over serviced,you should perform Type B inspections only when themileage and hours equal that recommended by themanufacturer.TYPE C (03) INSPECTION.— Type C annualsafety inspection (SI)(ASI) is directed by COM-SECOND/COMTHIRDNCB representatives. Themaintenance supervisor is required to schedule50 percent of CESE on site to receive a Type C safety1-23
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