. Keep the area clear of open flame or sparks toreduce fire hazard when you are spraying material withvolatile cutbacks.. Do not stand in a location in which the accidentalopening of the spray bar valves will cause contact withthe bitumen spray. This is important, because you couldreceive serious burns if you do not.l The fill line cap or connection must be securelyattached before operating the intake valve lever toeliminate momentary discharge.. The “TUC” bar must be off and remain off whenthe bar is rotated upward.. When moisture is present in the tank, do not loadthe tank with material having a temperature over 200°F.To prevent foaming when filling a unit in which moisturemay be present in the spray bar or the circulating system,you should allow a small portion of hot material to circulatein the spray bar before filling the tank.. When you are heating material, if at all possible,position the unit broadside to the wind.. The use of gasoline instead of regular keroseneor fuel oil on low-pressure burners will result in anextreme fire hazard.. Do not operate burners unattended (unless asafety control is provided) or while the vehicle is intransit or in a confined area.l When heating, you must allow sufficient space inthe tank for expansion of the material.. To prevent a possible explosion, you must coverflues with at least 6 inches of bitumen before heating thematerial, This layer of bitumen reduces the vaporsproduced, thereby, reducing the chance of an explosion.l For personal safety, use a torch (not a match orlighter) to ignite the burner.. Ignite the inside burner first. Do not reach acrossa lighted burner to ignite the inside burner.. When burners go out, allow time for ventilationbefore re-ignition.. Do not heat material beyond the manufacturer’srecommended temperature.. When you are hand spraying, hold the sprayer inthe proper position and be aware of other personnel inthe area.. Emulsified asphalts should never be left in thedistributor truck for any great length of time.Emulsified asphalts will separate and set in much lesstime than will cutbacks.. Avoid inhaling the vapors or mist from sprayedasphalt, or prolonged skin contact with asphalt products.Asphalt materials contain compounds known orsuspected to causes cancer. Hot asphalt is a bum hazardand can cause serious eye damage.ASPHALT HAUL TRUCKSVarious types of trucks are used to deliver hot mixto the paver. The most common type is the 5-tonend-dump truck but other trucks have been used andcan be used to deliver mix.Truck ConditionTrucks must have metal beds, and the beds must beclean, smooth, and free of holes. All trucks must meetminimum safety criteria. Each truck must be clearlynumbered for easy identification and must be equippedwith a tarpaulin.Before being loaded, the truck bed must be cleanedof foreign material and hardened asphalt and then lightlycoated with a release agent (lubricant) that assists inpreventing fresh hot-mix asphalt from sticking to thesurfaces of the bed. After the bed is coated, any excessrelease agent must be drained from the bed. Beforeloading, the truck must also be weighed to establish itsunloaded weight. This weight is later subtracted fromthe loaded weight of the truck to determine the weightof the hot mix that the truck is hauling.The number of trucks required on the project isdetermined by many factors: the mix production rate atthe plant, the length of the haul, the type of traffic en-countered, and the expected time needed for unloading.Types of TrucksEach type of truck used for hot-mix delivery musthave certain physical features that are required to haulproperly and to discharge the mix properly into thepaver. Below are listed a few guidelines for the twomost common types of trucks.END-DUMP TRUCKS.— An end-dump truckmust first be inspected to be certain the rear of the bedoverhangs the rear wheels enough to discharge mix intothe paver hopper. If it does not, an apron with side platesmust be added to increase the overhang and preventspillage of the mix in front of the paver.The bed must also be of a size that will fit into thehopper without pressing down on the paver. The16-33
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