Figure 14-13.—Pavement breaker.Moil PointThe moil point is commonly used to break uppavement, rock, asphalt, or concrete. The moil point isa solid bar of case-hardened steel, pointed at one end,with a shank and upset collar at the other. The advantageof the moil point is its sharp point which allows it to firstmake a small hole that then slowly deepens and widensuntil the sides of the point are in full contact with therock. The effect is like a wedge splitting an object.Chisel PointThe chisel point is constructed like the moil pointexcept for its point (fig. 14- 14). This point makes theFigure 14-14.—Air hammer attachments.chisel point the best to use for trimming corners and14-11splitting seamed rock. Also, when you run into hardpanin trenching or at the bottom of a construction project,you can use the chisel point to slice off rock to reach thedesired grade elevation.Asphalt CutterThe primary use of the asphalt cutter is to trim orcut the edges of laid asphalt, so major excavation willnot harm the existing surface. One good example isasphalt patchwork.Clay SpadeThe clay spade is used for loosening compacted clayor dressing foundation edges.
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