The next pass to make is the spreading pass(fig. 10-27). The blade and circle are shifted back underthe grader frame.While the grader straddles thewindrow, the toe of the blade is positioned inside thefront tire, and the heel is positioned to side cast thematerial outside the rear tandem tires. Depending on theamount of material, the spreading operation may requireseveral passes. After spreading the material, the ditchcut, shoulder pickup, and spreading pass are performeduntil the desired depth of ditch is completed.When the backslope of the ditch needs to be cut(fig. 10-28), position the circle and the blade with theheel resting at the bottom of the foreslope, so thematerial flows inside the right rear tandem tires. The toeof the blade should be forward toward the right front tire.The top of the wheels is leaned toward the backslope.When the ditch is to have a plain V-bottom, you nowhave to perform a clean-up pass on the foreslope toremove the material from the backslope cut. After theforeslope is clean, perform a shoulder pickup and aspreading pass to finish the ditching operations.Flat-Bottom Ditch CutWhen a flat-bottomed ditch is required, proceed asfollows:Starting at the foreslope of the original V-ditch (A),as shown in figure 10-29, use the ditch-cuttingprocedures to cut another V-ditch. After the V-ditch iscompleted, the next step is to make a flat cut in thebottom of the ditch. This is performed by placing thecomplete length of the blade in the ditch. The toe ispositioned at the base of the backslope (B), and the heelis positioned to side cast the windrow inside the rearFigure 10-28.-Backslope cut.tandem tires (C). This operation moves the material tothe foreslope of the second V-ditch. To remove thematerial from the foreslope, perform the proceduresused when removing material from a V-ditch.CrownThe crown, or slope, of the road from the centerlineof the road toward the shoulders provides drainage tothe ditch. For crowning, angle and adjust the blade toconform to the specified angle of the crown. Thematerial is side tasted in windrows from the shouldersof the road up toward the center line.When the road has a ditch on each side, make thefirst pass down the length of one shoulder. When thelength of the pass warrants, turn around and proceeddown the length of the opposite shoulder with the bladeFigure 10-27.-Spreading pass.10-12
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