Figure 10-35.—Scraper nomenclature.elevating scraper or self- loading scraper. This scraper,on most projects, requires no push cat for loading and isideal for small- to medium-size earthmoving jobs. Thescraper loads its pan from the top by means of a paddlewheel elevator after the material has been cut by thecutting edge. Material is not forced to the top as on otherscrapers. The loaded material can also be unloaded bythe paddle wheels, giving the operator more control ofthe desired depth of fill.A variety of scrapers are used in the NCF. Eachoperator is responsible for reading the operator’smanual to obtain detailed information about each makeand model.SCRAPER COMPONENTSThe scraper is made in two sections: the tractor andthe scraper. The tractor contains the engine, the drivetrain and wheels, the hydraulic pumps, and theoperator’s cab. The tractor is connected to the scraperby a vertical kingpin swivel connection usually in twoparts with upper and lower pins. When you are steering,this connection permits turns of 85 to 90 degrees to eachside of the center line of the scraper. There is also alongitudinal horizontal hinge that permits the twosections to tip independently from side to side.The gooseneck of the scraper arches up to allowspace for the tractor wheels to roll under it on turns. TheFigure 10-36.—Scraper bowl, apron, and ejector.10-18
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