Figure 3-26.-Truck spoke wheels.nut for each wheel. Either single or dual wheels can besecurely mounted on the same hub with thisarrangement. The outer nut must be loosened first to freethe outer wheel disc from the hub. Loosening the outernut, which threads over the inner nut, unfastens the outerwheel disc. In removing dual-disc wheels, you will findleft-hand threads on both inner and outer nuts on the leftwheels and right-hand threads on those of the rightwheels.Reverse the procedure to mount and tighten thewheels. Dual-disc wheel mounting is shown in figure3-25.On trucks having spoke wheels, remove the clampswhich secure the rim on the spoke wheel (fig. 3-26), andlift off the rim with the tire and tube. If the spoke hastwo tires, the second rim and tire can be lifted off afterthe spacer separating the rims is removed. Wheninstalling the wheels, install the outer dual in a positionthat places the valve stem 180 degrees from the stem onthe inner tire (fig. 3-27).TIRE REPAIRFacilities for repairing tires vary from one locationto another. Some deployment locations have power-operated tire repair equipment to support tire repair. ThisFigure 3-27.—180-degree valve stem location.3-13
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