1-11.1-12.1-13.1-14.1-15.1-16.1-17.During a scheduled ROH, an EOSSverification check will be scheduledapproximately how many weeks priorto the end of the availability?1. 62 83. 34. 4The rough copies of the EOSS will beused for approximately how manyweeks before the new laminatedcopies are received?1. 62. 83. 104. 12An EOSS feedback report should besubmitted for all of the followingreasons EXCEPT which one?1.To report an EOSS conflict withanother technical reference2.To order new book holders3.To correct document errors4.To order new twistiesA final pen and ink change to theEOSS resulting from an urgentfeedback is authorized by whatindividual?1.The type commander2.The group commander3.The commanding officer4.The engineer officerA routine EOSS feedback report issubmitted on which of the followingOPNAV forms?1.4790/4B2.4790/7B3.9094/1A4.9094/1DThe 3-M COORDINATOR block on an EOSSfeedback report must be signed bywhat individual?1.The MPA2.The chief engineer3.The 3-M coordinator4.The EOSS coordinatorAll full-power trials will beconducted with what minimum liquidload?1.65%2.75%3.85%4.95%1-18.1-19.1-20.1-21.1-22.1-23.A full-power trial must be conductedat what minimum periodicity?1.Every quarter2.Every 6 months3.Every year4.Every 18 monthsThe OPNAV form 9094/1A is used toprovide what type of information?1.An overall grade for theexercise2.A detailed listing of plantconditions3.A general listing of plantconditions4.A listing of all safety devicesand their set pointsIn the MGTEL which of the followingentries is/are authorized to bewritten in pencil?1.NINC only2.NIS only3.NINC and NIS4.INCThe acronym BIRMIS refers to whichof the following descriptions?1.Boiler information andreplacement managementinspection system2.Boiler inspection andreplacement managementinformation system3.Boiler inspection and repairmanagement information system4.Boiler information and repairmanagement inspection systemA steaming WHB must be sampledwithin what maximum number ofminutes prior to securing?1.90 minutes2.60 minutes3.45 minutes4.30 minutesA WHB placed in a dry lay-up canremain in that status for whatmaximum amount of time?1.10 days2.30 days3.60 days4.Indefinite2
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