1-36.To maintain better control over therotor speed when jacking the engine,you should use which of thefollowing tools?1.A torque multiplexer2.A torque multiplier3.An electric drive motor4.An air drive motor1-37.A fifth stage blade platform that istilted or raised may indicate whichof the following failures?1.Midspan damper2.Carboloy pad3.Blade root4.Tip clang1-38.If you find a “leaner” during aborescope inspection, you shouldtake which of the following actions?1.Remove the engine from service2.Replace the failed part3.Operate the engine at low power4.Make temporary repairs1-39.Tip curl is usually caused by whichof the following malfunctions?1.Blade rub2.Vane rub3.Misalignment4.Object damage1-40.Tip clang can usually be attributedto which of the following operatingconditions?1.Overloading2.Compressor stall3.Continuous low-power operation4.Continuous high-power operation1-41.When tip clang takes place on a GTE,the major damage occurs to what areaof the blade?1.The midspan2.The chord3.The root4.The tip1-42.When you are inspecting thecombustion section of a GTE, whatwattage light source should you use?1.1,0002.7503.5004.2501-43.The dimples of a dome band that haslow operating time will usually havewhat kind of damage?1.Burn through2.Burn away3.Bowing4.Cracks1-44.Distortion of the liner assembliesis evident when you observe which ofthe following conditions?1.The inner liner bends down, andthe outer liner lifts up2.The inner liner lifts up, andthe outer liner bends down3.Stress line streaks4.Burn through1-45.What malfunction is the primarycause of DOD to the HP turbine?1.Broken combustion liner pieces2.Loss of film cooling air3.Blade cracking4.Vane flaking1-46.Fault logic diagrams use all of thefollowing block types to aid introubleshooting EXCEPT which one?1.Single-line2.Double-line3.Highlighted4.Shaded1-47.A functional dependency diagram isused for troubleshooting whatparticular GTE system?1.The fuel control system2.The VSV actuator control system3.The electronic power controlsystem4.The fire extinguishing controlsystem1-48.As a supervisor, what is yourprimary concern during a GTEcomponent replacement?1.Meeting deadlines2.The safety of personnel3.Proper replacement parts4.The availability of tools1-49.To plan an engine changeout, whoshould be present at theorganizational meeting?1.Department heads only2.Security personnel only3.Supervisors only4.All involved personnel4
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