1-50.During a changeout, where should thespecial support equipment (SSE)containers be placed?1.Within reach of the crane2.Out of the normally traveledarea3.In the main engine room (MER)4.On the main deck of the tender1-51.When should the replacement enginecontainers be brought to the site?1.After the old engine has beenremoved2.After supply has inventoried thecontainers3.As the new engine is needed4.As soon as possible1-52.The completed MGTE log book shouldbe shipped to the repair activity inwhat manner?1.Returned with the technicalrepresentative2.Returned with the container3.Sent by registered mail4.Sent by normal mail1-53.When returning containers, youshould use what inert gas topressurize the shipment container?1.Argon2.Halon3.Nitrogen4.Helium1-54.During the engine changeout, whenshould crane services be used forother purposes?1.After placement of the SSE vans2.Just prior to engine removal3.During meal hours4.After completion of thechangeout1-55.Improperly aligned horizontal railflanges may result in damage towhich of the following components?1.Compressor blading2.Flexible coupling3.C-sump air seal4.Aerodynamic coupling1-56.Dry trunnion bearings should belubricated with which of thefollowing lubricants?1-57.What form of damage is the greatestthreat to gas turbine and supportequipment?1.DOD2.FOD3.Corrosion4.Overheating1-58.When dissimilar metals come incontact with a conductor, which ofthe following types of metaldeterioration takes place?1.Rust erosion2.Etching erosion3.Chemical corrosion4.Electrochemical corrosion1-59.A reddish-colored oxide usuallyforms on which of the followingmetals?1.Steel2.Aluminum3.Chromium4.Magnesium1-60.A white-gray powdery deposit canusually be found on which of thefollowing metals?1.Steel2.Aluminum3.Magnesium4.Magnetite1-61.Active corrosion on copper alloys isindicated by which of the followingconditions?1.A verdigris formation2.A white-gray powder formation3.A gray-green patina formation4.A copper-oxide crust formation1-62.Cadmium and zinc coatings providewhich of the following types ofprotection for the base metal?1.Sealant2.Chemical3.Electrical4.SacrificialLearning Objective:Identify theprocedures for inspecting andmaintaining propulsion systems andpower train equipment.1.2190 VSI2.236993.WD-404.MLG-G-109245
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