Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
Describe the types of piping system repairs.
Discuss some of the equipment used for piping system repairs.
Describe the various techniques and procedures used in piping system
Describe the repair and installation of piping system components.
Describe the different types of marine mechanical pipe fittings.
Discuss the procedures for shaping piping and tubing.
Describe the procedures used in the maintenance and repair of valves used
in piping systems.
Describe the basic safety precautions to follow, and the hazards involved
when performing piping system repairs on board ship.
2. Follow all OPNAV and shipboard instructions
when performing tag-outs.
As a Hull Maintenance Technician, you may repair
3. Ensure all piping systems open to the sea are
fire main, flushing, steam, low-pressure air, fuel-oil,
properly isolated, gagged, or blanked off before
and other shipboard piping systems. Some repairs need
working on the system.
a new gasket. Others are more complex. You may take
4. When breaking a flanged joint, remove all bolts
down sections of the system, and fabricate and install
except the two opposing bolts. Gradually loosen the two
entire assemblies or subassemblies.
remaining bolts to ensure that the system is properly
depressurized and drained.
When you repair any piping system, the require-
ments that governed the design and layout of the
5. Ensure all flammable and toxic fluid or gas
original system also govern the replacement sections.
piping systems are properly drained, cleaned, and
Before starting a repair job, be sure you know what that
gas-free prior to working on the system.
job requires. Do not substitute any unauthorized
6. NEVER exceed the operating capacities of shop
materials or change any fabrication and installation
equipment or hand tools.
7. Observe all safety precautions for welding,
As with any work you do, be sure to follow all of
brazing, and other potentially dangerous processes used
the proper safety precautions. Here are some of the
to repair piping systems.
standard precautions for piping repairs:
8. NEVER substitute any material in a piping
1. Make sure all piping systems are tagged-out,
system without first obtaining proper authorization
depressurized, and drained before you cut into the pipe
or disconnect a joint.
from competent authority. The use of unauthorized