identifying marks are in letters 1 inch high for 2-inch or
The next number indicates the frame (in this example,
larger outside diameter pipe or insulation. For smaller
frame 85). The last number indicates the side (in this
sizes, the size of the letters may be reduced or label
example, starboard). Odd numbers are always used for
plates may be attached by wire or any other suitable
the starboard side, while even numbers are used for the
means. In addition, a 3-inch arrow leads from the
identification marking, with the arrowhead pointing in
the direction of the flow. Where flow is reversible,
arrows are shown on each end of the identification and
As you work within the HT rating, you will gain
destination markings.
more experience in pipefitting. You have learned in this
Valves are marked by inscribing the rims of
chapter that a lot of factors need to be considered before
handwheels, on a circular label plate secured by the
you install or modify a piping system. This chapter
handwheel nut, or on label plates attached to the ship's
gave you information on which materials to use, the
structure or to the adjacent piping. Each valve label
types of hangers used, and the identification of piping
gives the name and purpose of the valve. For example,
and valves. Most shops have old and new valves and
a valve may be labeled as follows:
fittings on hand. Look over the valves and fittings to
see how they operate. It will also be helpful to ask an
experienced HT to help you. When working with
insulation and lagging, make sure that you follow the
The purpose of the valve is indicated in the first line.
procedures set forth in chapter 635 of NSTM and chapter
The location of the valve is indicated by the numbers in
B1 of OPNAVINST 5100.l9B, NAVOSH Program
the second line. The first number in the location code
Manual for Forces Afloat, which include asbestos
indicates the deck (in this example, the second deck).
removal precautions and procedures.