Warning signs, placards, tags, labels, and suitable
guards/markings should be provided to prevent
personnel from coming into accidental contact with
dangerous equipment; for warning personnel of the
of grinding operations; and for warning personnel of
other dangers that may cause injury to them. Equipment
installations should not be considered complete until
appropriate warning signs have been posted in full view
of operating and maintenance personnel.
Warning signs (red/white) and caution signs
(yellow/black) should be located in an area where
known hazardous conditions exist or may exist. Some
Figure 1-1.--A warning placard.
of the areas that are hazardous aboard ship include
workshops, pump rooms, and machinery spaces.
However, hazards may be encountered anywhere aboard
Remember, once a tag or label is used, it should
only be removed by signed authorization of the
authorizing officer. You should always follow your
Signs designating an entire space as hazardous must
command's procedures for logging and recording
be posted at eye level or above in full and clear view of
tag-out actions.
entering personnel. Signs designating a specific piece of
equipment as hazardous must be posted on or near
equipment (in full view of the equipment operator) that
Markings consisting of paint or tape are used to
designate safe traffic lanes, operator caution areas,
is particularly dangerous.
operator working areas, and observer safe areas.
Warning placards (fig. l-l) should be located on the
door to the entrance of any space where noise levels are
Safe traffic lanes are designated in workshops.
These lanes start and stop at all exits and entrances for
consistently high, requiring single- or double-hearing
protection. A warning placard should also be displayed
workshops and are marked by continuous white lines,
3 inches wide, painted on the deck.
on all portable equipment capable of emitting noise in
excess of 84 dB(A) when operated. Remember that the
Operator caution areas, operator working areas, and
messages are aimed at YOU. It is your responsibility to
observer safe areas are designated for each equipment
"read and heed."
working area deemed hazardous. Operator caution areas
are marked by a continuous yellow tine, 3 inches wide,
Tags and labels are used in the Navy to identify a
defective piece of equipment or instrument. Tags and
outlining the caution area. Operator work areas are
marked by painting the deck yellow in areas where it is
labels are also used to ensure the safety of personnel
and to prevent improper operation of equipment. They
safe for an operator of machinery or equipment. The
will be posted according to authorized procedures and
outer perimeter of this area is designated by alternate
must not be removed or violated without proper
black and yellow lines, or checkerboard pattern, 3
authorization and adequate knowledge of the
inches wide. Observer safe areas are designated as all
areas outside of this perimeter and are the normal color
of the deck within the space.
The use of tags and labels is not a substitute for
other safety measures, such as locking valves or
Eye hazardous areas are marked with a black and
removing fuses from a fuse panel. Also, tags or labels
yellow checkerboard, or chevron, pattern and a label
associated with tag-out procedures must never be used
plate made up of black letters on a yellow background
for anything other than their intended purpose.
that reads: "WARNING EYE HAZARD."