4-33.In addition to reducing enginespeed fluctuations, the flywheeloften functions in which of thefollowing ways?1.As a power takeoff for thecamshaft and a pressure surfacefor the clutch2.As a pressure surface for theclutch and a starting systemgear3.As a starting system gear and apower takeoff for the fuel pump4.As a power takeoff for the fuelpump and a timing reference forthe ignition system4-34.Which of the following parts is/areNOT included in the valve-actuatingmechanism?1.The pushrods2.The rocker arms3.The camshaft4.The crankshaft4-35.What is the function of theeccentric lobes on a camshaft?1.To open the intake and exthaustvalves at the proper times2.To return the intake andexhaust valves to their seats3.To add to the pressure exertedby the valve springs4.To regulate the pressureexerted by the valve springs4-36.Relative to engine speed, how fastdoes the camshaft of an 8-cylinder,4-stroke/cycle engine turn?1.One-eighth as fast2.One-fourth as fast3.One-half as fast4.Twice as fast4-37.Camshaft followers are the parts ofthe valve-actuating mechanism thatcontact the camshaft.Which of thefollowing terms is another name forcamshaft followers?1.Cam lobe2.Rocker arms3.Valve stern4.Valve lifters4-38.4-39.4-40.4-41.Which of the following mechanismskeep the crankshaft and camshaftturning in the proper rotation toone another so that the valves openand Close at the proper time?1.The pushrods2.The timing gears3.The rocker arms4.The valve mechanismsBy what means are the timing gearsat the camshaft and crankshaftpositioned so they CANNOT skip?1.They are welded2.They are threaded3.They fire keyed4.They are boltedIn the diesel engine fuel system,which of the following componentreplaces the carburetor?1.The fuel injection mechanisms2.The fuel pump3.The fuel filter4.All of the aboveWhat power train part of a 4–wheeldrive heavy truck is NOT part of a2--wheel drive heavy truck?1.The differential2.The multiple disk clutch3.The 4–speed transmission4.The transfer case4-42.What is the function of the clutchin the power train of a motorvehicle that is starting to moveforward from a still position?1.To dampen vibration in thetransmission system2.To allow the brakes to “clutch”or hold until there is enoughpower for the vehicle to moveforward3.To transmit power to the wheelsthrough the dead axles4.To allow the engine to take upthe load gradually37
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