4-51.One final drive part of the truckshown in figure 13-1 of yourtextbook is tile1.differential carrier2.rear universal joint3.propeller shaft4.transmission4-52.If the ring gear in a final drivehas 21 teeth and the pinion has 7teeth, the mechanism is probablypart of a1.diesel-powered shovel2.small tractor3.six-wheel truck4.passenger car4-53.What is the primary purpose of thedifferential in the rear axleassembly?1.To connect each of the rearaxle shafts together2.To prevent each of the rearwheel axles from turning at adifferent speed3.To boost engine powertransmitted to the wheels4.To permit both drive axles tobe driven as a single unit4–54.Through which parts of thedifferential is power transmitteddirectly to the axle shafts?1.Differential case and sidegears2.Bevel drive pinions and sidegears3.Differential pinions and sidegears4.Differential case and beveldrive pinons4–55.What parts usually found inconventional automotivedifferentials are NOT contained inthe no-spin differential?1.Ring gear and spider2.Pinion and side gears3.Spring retainer and side member4.Driven clutch member and camassembly4–56.The rear axle housing of a certaintruck helps carry the weight of thetruck.Which of the followingtypes of live axles is used in thetruck?1.Nonfloating2.Semifloating3.Three-quarter floating4.Each of the above39
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