4–24.Downward motion of the pistons is4-29.The bottom ring on the piston ofconverted to rotary motion throughtextbook figure 12–15 serves whichthe action of which of theof the following purposes?following components?1.1.The valves2.The gear train2.3.The flywheel and the vibrationdampener3.4.The connecting rod and thecrankshaft4.4–25.Which of the following parts is NOTa structural component of a piston?4-30.TheIt scrapes combustion productsfrom piston surfacesIt transmits oil to thecombustion ringsIt wipes excess oil from thecylinder wallsIt removes impurities from theoilend of the connecting rod that1.The ring grooves2.The lands3.The bearings4.The skirt4–26.Aluminum pistons will expand morethan cast–iron pistons under thesame operating conditions.Forthis reason, they are designed withwhich of the following types ofpiston skirts?1.Split skirts2.Full trunk skirts only3.Slipper skirts only4.Full trunk and slipper skirts4–27.Which of the following partssecure(s) the piston to theconnecting rod?1.The wrist pin2.The split skirts3.The piston rings4.The ring grooves.4-28.How do piston rings help an engineperform its work?1.By sealing the cylinder2.By distributing and controllinglubricating oil on the cylinderwall3.By transferring heat from thepiston to the cylinder wall4.All of the aboveattaches to the piston must befitted with a bearing of bronze! orsimilar material when the pistonpin is a1.full floating pin2.fixed pin3.full floating or a fixed pin4.semifloating pin4–31.Which of the following parts may beconsidered the backbone of theengine?1.The pistons2.The crankshaft3.The connecting rods4.The bearings4–32.The vibration damper serves whatpurpose?1.It balances camshaft speed withcrankshaft speed2.It reduces twisting strain onthe crankshaft3.It brakes the flywheel duringengine speed reduction4.It reduces flywheel vibration36
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