10-10.Once the plant is in operation, which ofthe following problems is most likely tocause priming?1.A sudden rising of the water level2.A water level that is too high3.Both 1 and 2 above4.A sudden drop in the water level10-11.The vacuum gage readings are nearlyidentical for the first and secondeffects. What is the most likely cause?1.Air leaks between the first andsecond effects2.Equally low water levels in botheffects3.Equally high water levels in botheffects4.Obstructions in the flow between thefirst and second effects10-12.You have an air leak and yourwatchstander has been operating the airejectors improperly.These conditionscan be expected to produce which of thefollowing vacuum readings in the lasteffect shell?10-13.10-14.1.34 in. of mercury2.30 in. of mercury3.26 in.of mercury4.10 in.of mercuryWhen the plant is in operation, which ofthe following vacuum tests may be madeon joints?1.Air pressure2.Candleflame3.Soapsuds4.HydrostaticA hydrostatic leak test on anonremovable tube bundle is conducted at(a) what pressure, and (b) on what sideof the unit?1.(a) 50 psi, (b) the tube side2.(a) 50 psi, (b) the shell side3.(a) 30 psi, (b) the tube side4.(a) 30 psi, (b) the shell side10-16.10-17.Air ejector nozzles should be cleanedwith a thin rattail file.A damaged strainer or nozzle should bereplaced with a new one.10-18.The temperature of circulating waterrises more than 20°F as it passesthrough the distiller condenser.Whatshould you do first?1.Clean the air ejectors2.Inspect the condenser circulatingwater systems3.Check for improper operatingprocedures4.Reset the back pressure-regulatingvalve10-19.Which of the following indicatorssuggests improper drainage of the'distiller condenser?10-20.1.The flash chamber gage glass isflooded2.The first-effect tube nest vacuum isseveral inches of mercury3.The plant does not produce designedoutput when the orifice is 5 psig4.All of the aboveOn older plants, brine density isadjusted by what control(s)?1.The evaporator heat control valve2.The hand-controlled valve located inthe discharge line of the brineoverboard pump3.The wire control valve4.The first-effect feed valve10-21.A salinometer measures the degree ofsalinity in a sample of brine taken fromwhat source?1.The discharge side of the brine pump2.The intake side of the brine pump3.The first-effect feed valve4.The second-effect feed valveQuestions 10-22 through 10-29 refer toflash-type distilling plants.Use the following situation to answer10-22.What is the maximum design feedwaterquestions 10-15 through 10-17 as True ortemperature?False: A low vacuum reading indicates a problemwith the air ejector.1.75°F2.85°F10-15.If you believe the problem is low steam3.165°Fpressure, you should try to overcome the4.175°Fproblem by removing and cleaning thenozzle.62
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