10-23.During operation of the plant, a10-29.The relief valve in the feedwater inletpressure reduction occurs in each stageis set to open at what pressure?to enable the plant to1.71 psig1.function with a steady, even flow of2.73 psigfeedwater throughout the plant3.75 psig2.produce as much vapor in the fifth4.77 psigstage as in the first3.control the feedwater temperatureQuestions 10-30 through 10-34 concernwithin the specified limitsthe maintenance of a flash-type unit,4.produce an increased amount of vaporand should be judged True or False.in each successive stage10-30.Air leakage in the brine and distillate10-24.Distillate leaving the cooler is pumpedpumps will have NO effect on vacuum.to storage tanks only if the salinityreading is NO greater than10-31.The saltwater heater requires morefrequent cleaning than the distillate1.0.045 epmcooler.2.0.055 epm3.0.065 epm10-32.The orifices in the feed boxes are more4.0.075 epmlikely to be plugged by foreign matterthan by scale.10-25.The four thermometers mounted on thesaltwater heater measure which of the10-33.A relief valve that is continuallyfollowing temperatures?popping should be scheduled for routinemaintenance as time permits.1.Feedwater inlet and outlet2.Steam surrounding the tubes10-34.Pneumatic-type reducing valves should be3.Desuperheating temperatureused only for low-pressure applications.4.All of the above10-26.Cooling water from the air ejectorprecooler flows into which of the fiveheat exchangers mounted on theevaporator?1.Second2.Third3.Fourth4.Fifth10-27.10-28.How many inches of mercury arein stage 5 of the evaporator?1.24 in.2.26 in.3.28 in.4.30 in.What is thestrainer?requiredpurpose of the duplex1.To clean steam going to thepreheater air ejector2.To remove solid matter from seawater3.To remove impurities from freshwater4.To remove noncondensables from thesaltwater heaterLearning Objective:Specifymaintenance and adjustmentsrequired on relief and reducingvalves, and recognize some of thetroubles that may be encounteredwith each.10-35.Which of the following procedures mustalways be followed after a relief valveis removed?1.Reset the spring tension2.Reduce the pressure3.Grind the disk4.Grind the seat10-36.A pneumatic pressure-controlled reducingvalve may be used on which of thefollowing supply lines?1.Galley steam2.Fuel oil3.Freshwater4.Each of the above63
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