Assignment 10Auxiliary Machinery (continued)Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, pages 7-22 through 8-21Learning Objective: point out theoperational, troubleshooting, andrepairing techniques for thesubmerged tube and the flash-typedistilling plants.10-1.10-2.10-3.10-4.Which of the following ships have vaporcompression distilling units?1.Aircraft carriers2.Submarines3.Destroyers4.FrigatesQuestions 10-2 through 10-21 refer tolow-pressure submerged tube distillingplants.Varied operating conditions are a primarycause of which of the following problems?1.Changes in feed levels2.Scaling of evaporator tubes3.Improper liquid level in the firsteffect4.Higher steam pressuresYou need to adjust three controls inorder to bring heat and fluid conditioninto balance.You should use which ofthe following techniques?1.Adjust all three controlssimultaneously2.Adjust all three controls singly andquickly3.Adjust each control singly and inincrements4.Adjust each control at lo-minuteintervalsWhich of the following factors is/aremost likely to cause a decrease in theplant's efficiency?1.Air leaks in the first tube nest2.Low volume in the last-effect shell3.Dirty circulating water strainer4.All of the above10-5.10-6.10-7.10-8.10-9.Steam orifices should be inspected howoften?1.Monthly2.Biannually3.Annually4.With each overhaulWater used to desuperheat live steamshould be taken from what source?1.The first-effect tube nest drain pump2.The second-effect tube nest drainpump3.The freshwater supply4.The steam feed systemFluctuations in the first-effect steampressure and temperature cause similarfluctuations in which of the followingparts of the plant?1.The second effect only2.The steam supply line only3.The water levels only4.The entire plantTubes in the first-effect tube nestshould be cleaned whenever the mercurydrops below which of the followinglevels?1. 1in.2.1 1/2 in.3. 2in.4.2 1/2 in.When you can NOT feed water into thefirst effect, you should look for whichof the following causes?1.Scale deposits in the air ejectorcondenser2.Scale deposits in the vaporfeed heater3.Obstructions in the feed line4.All of the above61
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