9-9.By taking which of the following steps canyou help prevent an explosion in an aircompressor?1.Ensure that intake air is cool, dryand free of dust2.Clean intake filters with a strongsolution of sal soda3.Ensure that a relief valve isinstalled between the compressor and astop valve4.All of the above9-10.What action should you take immediatelyif air discharged from any stage in acompressor shows an unusual temperaturerise?1.Open the relief valve2.Secure the compressor3.Open the pressure gages4.Check cooling water circulation9-11.A compressor is to be operatedcontinuously during a 6-week cruise.Which of the following steps should youtake to prevent high operatingtemperatures?1.Increase water circulation anddecrease speed2.Maintain proper water circulationoperating speed3.Lift relief valves by hand andrelieve pressure4.Blow down moisture separators andchange filtersandLearning Objective:Point out thefactors that contribute to safe andproper operation of an auxiliaryboiler, and specify the symptomsand troubles that may cause faultyoperation.9-12.You are lighting off the auxiliary boilerand the blower does NOT deliver theproper amount of air.Which of thefollowing conditions should you eliminateas a possible cause of the difficulty?1.Clogged or dirty burner tip2.Insufficient or fluctuating voltage3.Bent shaft or slipping V-belts4.Broken shaft or dirty fan bladesIn questions 9-13 through 9-15, which arerelated to troubleshooting auxiliary boilers,select the condition from column B that maycause the symptom or difficulty listed in columnA.A.Symptoms orB.ConditionsDifficulties9-13.Excessive vibration1.Dirty orclogged burner9-14.Feed pump fails totipdeliver2.Leak in9-15.Ignition failuresuction line3.Fluctuatingvoltage4.Insufficientair to theburner9-16.Failure of feedwater pumps to deliverwater may be caused by which of thefollowing conditions?1.Malfunction of programming controlcams2.Dynamic unbalance of rotatingelements3.Jammed or worn impellers4.Each of the aboveLearning Objective: Identify boilerwater problems, sources ofcontamination, and boiler watertreatment for controlling them.9-17.In an auxiliary boiler, deposits on thewatersides of boiler tubes may causewhich of the following problems?1.Oxidization2.Vibration3.Overheating4.EmbrittlementQuestion 9-18 is to be judged True orFalse.9-18.In auxiliary boilers, the pH of the boilerwater is measured instead of thealkalinity because the higher pH level canbe more easily measured by the pH metertest.56
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