8-27.During plant operation, which of thefollowing symptoms will indicate aclogged R-12 liquid line strainer?1.The temperature of the tubing on theoutlet side of the strainer is muchwarmer than the tubing on the inletside2.The temperature of the tubing on theinlet side of the strainer is muchwarmer than the tubing on the outletside3.The pressure on the outlet side ofthe strainer tubing is much higherthan on the inlet side4.The pressure on both the inlet andoutlet sides of the strainer tubingare the same8-28. Which action should you take prior totightening the cap on a liquid linestrainer that has been cleaned?1.Test the strainer for leaks2.Open the strainer outlet valve3.Purge the air out of the strainer4.Replace the strainer screen spring8-29.Which of the following conditions may becaused by excessive buildup of frost onthe cooling coils?1.Low suction pressure2.High suction pressure3.Both 1 and 2 above4.High condensing pressure8-30.Which of the following factors help(s)determine the maximum time betweendefrosting of the cooling coils?1.Amount of refrigerant in the system2.Moisture content of the supplies3.Amount of heat to be removed4.All of the above8-31.Cooling coils should be defrosted beforethe frost thickness reaches1.1/4 in.2.3/16 in.3.1/8 in.4.5/16 in.8-32.8-33.8-34.8-35.Questions 8-32 and 8-33 are based onFigure 8-A.Approximately how many inches of mercuryrepresent the difference in temperaturebetween points B and D?1.0.200 in. absolute2.0.232 in. absolute3.0.436 in. absolute4.0.640 in. absoluteInitial evacuation of the refrigeratingsystem begins at point A and is completedat point1. B2. C3. D4. EWhile you are evacuating and dehydratinga refrigeration system, the vacuumindicator fails to attain 35°F, which ofthe following conditions may be the causeof this failure?1.Lack of lubricating oil in thecompressor crankcase2.Lack of moisture in the system3.R-12 in the lubricating oil4.Each of the above conditionsTo be properly reactivated, dehydratingagents should be heated to (a) whattemperature and (b) for how long?1.(a) 200°F(b)12 hr2.(a) 300°F(b)12 hr3.(a) 400°F(b)6 hr4.(a) 500°F(b)6 hr51
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