7-43.7-44.7-45.7-46.7-47.7-48.What is the approximate indicated horse-power for the engine at 2,500 rpm?1.200 hp2.216 hp3.232 hp4.247 hpUnder full load at 2,500 rpm, the averagepressure exerted on a piston of theengine during each power stroke is1.17 1/3 psi2.52psi3.104psi4.208psiWhat effect does a 4-psi drop in cylindermean effective pressure have on thepower developed by the engine at 2,500rpm?1.Fewer decreases since cylinder bmepexceeds 100 psi and engine speeddrops2.Power decreases since cylindertemperature drop and quality ofcombustion is impaired3.Fewer increases since cylinder bmepexceeds 100 psi and engine speedrises4.Power increases since cylindertemperature rises and qualityof combustion improvesWhich of the following expressions isused to compute brake horsepower at2,500 rpm?1.ihp - 322.ihp + 323.(ihp - 32)ihp4.(ihp + 32)ihpThe approximate brake mean effectivepressure at 2,000 rpm is1.81 psi2.87 psi3.93 psi4.102 psiWhat is the engine's maximum mechanicalefficiency?1.81.3%2.72.4%3.87.0%7-49.What is the approximate mechanicalefficiency of the engine when operatinqunder half load at 2,000 rpm?1.72%2.81%3.84%4.87%7-50.The maximum mechanical efficiency forthis engine multiplied by 104 psibe equivalent to bmep under whichthe following conditions?shouldof1.Half load and 2,000 rpmFull load and 2,500 rpmNo load and 2,500 rpmNo load and 2,000 rpm2.3.4.7-51.Which of the following factors limit thepower that each piston of the engine candevelop during a power strike?1.2.Frictional heatScavenge efficiency3.Heat losses due to incompletecombustion4.Each of the above7-52.If the volumetric efficiency of a 4-stroke engine is 50 percent, the amountof air drawn into a cylinder is1.equal to the amount of air that wouldenter the cylinder under ideal condi-tions2.half the amount of air consumed bycombustion3.half the amount of air that wouldenter the cylinder under idealconditions4.twice the amount of air consumed bycombustion7-53.How is scavenge efficiency of a 2-strokecycle engi ne determined?1.By measuring the air required forcombustion2.By measuring the amount of burnedgases removed from the cylinder3.Both 2 and 3 above4.By measuring the amount of fresh airentering the cylinder4.90.5%46
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