8-18.In a refrigerant plant, liquidrefrigerant may flood back to thecompressor from the evaporator if thethermostatic expansion valve is1.stuck shut2.adjusted for too high superheat atthe outlet3.adjusted for too low superheat atthe outlet4.reducing the amount of refrigerantflowing into the coil8-19.If it is suspected that the expansionvalve assembly requires replacement,which of the following conditions shouldbe met before an expansion valve test ismade?1.The liquid strainers are cleaned2.The solenoid valves are operative3.The system is sufficiently charged4.Each of the above8-20.What should a service drum that is usedfor testing an expans ion valve contain?1.Pressurized R-122.Dry compressed air3.A gas similiar to the one used inthe thermal element of the valve4.Each of the above gassesFor questions 8-21 through 8-24, assumethat you are testing the thermostaticexpansion valve of a refrigeration plant.8-21.When should the thermal element beimmersed in a bath of crushed ice?1.Before the valve inlet is attachedto the gas source2.After the high and low pressuregages have been connected3.Before the high pressure gage isconnected to the valve outlet4.After the valve on the air supplyline has been opened8-22.A thermostatic expansion valve is setfor 5°F of superheat, what should theoutlet pressure read on a gage?8-23.Which of the following operatingconditions is an indication that theexpansion valve is seating properly?1.Low pressure gage stops increasingafter a few pounds2.Low pressure gage continues toincrease slowly after a few pounds3.Either 1 or 2 above happens4.Low pressure gage increases rapidlyand equals the inlet pressure8-24.You have removed the ice packing from thecontrol bulb. Which of the followingoutlet pressure conditions indicates thatthe valve is operating normally?1.The pressure does not change2.The pressure decreases rapidly3.The pressure increases rapidly4.The pressure decreases a few pounds,then stabilizesQuestion 8-25 is to be judged True orFalse.8-25.The entire expansion valve assembly mustbe replaced when the power element isinoperative.Learning Objective: Recognize practicesthat will help assure a properlyoperating refrigeration and airconditioning system, and identify some ofthe symptoms that may lead to systemfailure.8-26.Under normal operating conditions howfull should the receiver of a properlycharged refrigeration system be when thecompressor stops?1.25% full2.50% full3.85% full4.100% full1.16.1 psi2.22.5 psi3.26.1 psi4.32.5 psi50
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