Assignment 9AuxiliaryMachinery(continued)Textbook Assignment: Engineman 1&C, NAVEDTRA 10543-E1, Pages 7-5 through 7-22Learning Objective: Point out thegeneral practices, maintenancerequirements, and tests necessaryfor proper operation of air compressorcomponents, and identify safetyprecautions to be followed.9-1.What is the purpose of the quarterlyinspections given the surfaces of airflasks?1.To detect external corrosion or damage2.To detect internal corrosion or damage3.To determine the effectiveness of zincchromate primer in protecting internalsurfaces4.To determine the effectiveness of zincchromate primer in protecting internaland external surfaces9-2.Air system equipment must be drained ofexcessive moisture and oil deposits atfrequent intervals in order to minimizewhich of the following problems?1.Internal corrosion2.Fouling of moving parts3.The danger of an explosion resultingfrom oil accumulation4.Each of the above9-3.What situation would justify having airflasks inspected prior to the elapse ofthe normal operating interval betweeninspections?1.Major overhaul of the compressor2.Excess oil being carried into theflask3.Suspicion of serious corrosion of theair flask4.Compressor unable to maintain thedesigned pressure on the flask9-4.Air flasks should be thoroughly cleaned,inspected, and painted internally with aprotective coating of zinc chromate priorto applying a hydrostatic test.9-5.How often should an idle motor-drivencompressor be routinely started andoperated?1.Weekly2.Monthly3.Quarterly4.Semiannually9-6.Which of the following air compressortests is normally carried out annually?1.Capacity test2.Full pressure test3.Regulating devices test4.Starting and operating power test9-7.Which of the following air compressortests is normally carried out during ashipyard overhaul period?1.Capacity test2.Full pressure test3.Hydrostatic pressure test4.Relief valve pressure test9-8.How often must the air compressorintercooler and aftercooler tube bundlesbe removed for cleaning?1.During each shipyard overhaul2.Quarterly3.Semiannually4.AnnuallyTHIS SPACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLYQuestion 9-4 is to be judged True orFalse.55
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