8-46.Aboard Navy ships, in which of thefollowing situations would you mostlikely use HP air?1.To clean machinery2.To start diesel engines3.To operate pneumatic tools4.Each of the above8-47.Which of the following statements aboutgeneral procedures for maintaining aircompressors is true?1.The same procedures are used for low,medium, and high pressure systemsexcept for the additional safetyprecautions which are observed incaring for high pressure compressors2.The procedures vary with the type ofcompressed air system, compressordesign, and compressor capacity3.The procedures are the same for lowand medium pressure systems, but forhigh pressure systems they vary withcompressor design and capacity4.The procedures for low, medium, andhigh pressure systems made by onemanufacturer differ from theprocedures used for the systemsmade by another manufacturerQuestion 8-48 is to be judged True orFalse.8-48.Good engineering practice in makingrepairs is to use the proper tools and toobserve all safety precautions andmanufacturers' instructions.8-49.What may be expected when a wrenchextension is used to apply more than thespecified torque on bolts in order toobtain a tight connection at a gasketjoint?1.Sprung gasketed joints2.Damaged gaskets, bolts twisted off,and/or insufficient tightness of thejoint3.Either 1 or 2 above4.Tight joints8-50.Which of the following statementsdescribes the recommended procedures forcleaning an oil wetted filter elementthat was removed from a compressorintake?8-51.1.Clean with gasoline or kerosene, dipin lightweight oil, and drain excessoil2.Clean with steam or strong sal sodasolution, dip in clean mediumviscosity oil, and drain excess oil3.Clean with a jet of hot water, dip inkerosene, and drain excess kerosene4.Clean with kerosene, drain excesskerosene, dip in medium viscosityoil, and drain excess oilHow is moisture prevented fromcirculating throughout the air system?1.By preheating the inlet air2.By blowing down the compressor inter-coolers3.By placing coalescent filters in thecompressor discharge line4.By preheating the inter-coolersQuestion 8-52 is to be judged True orFalse.8-52.In a two-stage compressor a defectiveinlet valve in the second stage may beindicated by an increase in theinter-cooler pressure, and a defectivedischarge valve in the first stage may beindicated by a decrease in theinter-cooler pressure.8-53.Leakage through the discharge valves ofan air compressor is usually caused bywhich of the following factors?1.Dirt in the valves2.Moisture in the air3.Overcompression of air in thecylinders4.Insufficient compression of air inthe cylinders8-54.How can you reduce the frequency withwhich air valve troubles occur orpossibly prevent them from occurring?1.By keeping the pressure high in theintercooler2.By inspecting and cleaning the valvesand the valve passages regularly3.By periodically circulating hightemperature air around the valves4.By periodically blowing off the valvecover to keep it from becoming toohot53
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