8-8.What method should you use to remove8-13. A refrigeration unit is working under aforeign deposits from the tubes of anormal heat load and has a sufficientrefrigerant condenser?charge of refrigerant. The water side ofthe condenser should be cleaned if the1.Lance with water onlyoperating difference between the2.Lance with air onlytemperature corresponding to the3.Both 1 and 2 abovecondensing pressure and the temperature4.Wash with acid solutionof the outlet circulating water increasesabove the temperature obtained when the8-9.On an air-cooled condenser, the exteriorunit was in good condition by how manysurfaces of the tubes and fins are dirtydegrees?and restricting air circulation. Whatshould be used to clean these surfaces?1.5°F to 10°F2.10°F to 20°F1.Jets of steam3.20°F to 30°F2.Hot water lances4.30°F to 40°F3.Compressed air lances4.Stiff bristled brushes8-14. How does the temperature at the outletside of the valve compare with the8-10.How often should the water side of atemperature at the inlet side when thecondenser in a freon system be tested forthermostatic valve is operating properly?refrigerant leakage?1.Daily2.Weekly3.Bi-weekly4.Monthly8-11.You are testing condenser tubes forleakage. Why do you hold the exploringtube of the leak detector at one end ofeach condenser tube for about 10 secondsbefore driving a cork into each end of8-15.the tube?1.To dry the tube heads2.To detect the presence of R-123.To draw fresh air through the tube4.To vaporize any water left in thetube8-12.You are attempting to locate leaks in arefrigerator condenser.For what periodof time should the condenser be allowedto remain idle after all tubes in the8-16.suspected section have been corked,before continuing the test?1.2 to4 hr2.4 to6 hr3.6 to8 hr4.8 to 10 hr1.The temperature is lower at theoutlet side2.The temperature is lower at the inletside3.The temperature is approximately thesame at the outlet and the inletsides4.The temperature is higher at theinlet sideWhich of the following factors can causea thermostatic expansion valve to operateimproperly?1.A collection of dirt on thecontrol bulb2.A collection of freon at the valveseat3.A collection of dirt at the valveorifice4.Each of the above factorsAs a rule, about how many degrees ofsuperheat are picked up by therefrigerant vapor before it leaves thecooling coil?1.Between 4°F and 12°F2.Between 15°F and 20°F3.Between 30°F and 38°F4.Between 45°F and 50°FQuestion 8-17 is to be judged True orFalse.8-17.If you increase the spring pressure ofthe thermostatic expansion valve to givea high degree of superheat at theevaporator coil outlet, you may cause alow lube oil level in the compressorcrankcase.49
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