7-22.What must you do if the bull gear churnsand aerates the oil?1.Slow or stop the engine until normalconditions are restored2.Remove some of the oil withoutchanging the engine speed3.Stop the engine, and drain andreplace the oil4.Stop the engine and add some freshoil7-23.Gears should be slowed down or stoppedaltogether when which of the followingconditions occur?7-24.1.Oil is emulsified in the gear case2.Unusual noises are heard3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Bearing temperature are below normalWhen should the main shafts be locked?1.When the divers are inspectingdamaged propellers2.When strong currents are present atanchorage3.When the ship is underway4.At all of the above times7-25.Which of the following conditions shouldbe in effect when the main shaft of aship is allowed to trail?1.The windage temperature in the low-pressure casing is kept at a maximum2.The lubricating system must beoperating3.The shaft brake must be engaged4.The turning gear must be engaged7-27.7-28.7-29.7-30.7-31.7-26.Which of the following gears must bedisengaged before the main engines arestarted?1.Reduction2.Turning3.Pinion4.Bull7-32.Learning Objective: Point out factorsthat affect the power output of anengine and recognize the terms andformulas used in computing engineperformance and efficiency.Which of the following characteristicswill affect the efficiency and perform-ance of internal combustion engines?1.Engine design2.Compression ratio3.Operating temperatures4.Each of the aboveTo calculate the indicated horsepower ofan engine, you need to know the indicatedmean effective pressure and what otherfactor?1.The engine speed2.The brake horsepower3.The fuel consumption rate4.The brake mean pressureWhat is the speed of a piston if therotation speed of the crankshaft is1,000 rpm and the piston stroke is12 inches?1.1,260 fpm2.2,000 fpm3.12,000 fpm4.24,000 fpmWhen the engine rpm drops below ratedspeed, what usually happens to thebrake mean effective pressure?1.It remains the same2.It decreases3.It increases4.It increases and then decreasesIf an engine is operated for long periodsat idling speed, how frequently willoverhaul be necessary?1. More frequently than if operated at50% of load2. Less frequently than if operated at100% of load3. As frequently as if operated at 75%of load4. Less frequently than if operated at90% of loadAn unbalanced cylinder load is indicatedby which of the following conditions?1.Black exhaust smoke2.High exhaust temperatures3.Low cooling water temperature4.Low lubricating oil temperature44
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