7-33.What happens to the lubricating oil thatleaks past newly installed piston ringsinto a cylinder?1.It drains into the sump2.It burns in the cylinder3.It collects on the piston crown4.It passes out of the cylinder intothe exhaust7-34.An unbalanced cylinder will cause whichof the following effects?1.It will gum up the combustion spaces2.It will score the cylinder wall3.It will corrode the piston crown4.It will overheat the engine7-35.Engine efficiency is measured by therelationship between energy input andwhat other factor?1.Temperature of exhaust2.Amount of fuel consumed3.Temperature of combustion4.Amount of power developed7-36.Compression ratio refers to the relationbetween the volume of air above a pistonwhen it is at top dead center and whatother factor?1.The volume of air below the pistonwhen it is at top dead center2.The volume of air above the pistonwhen it is at bottom dead center3.The pressure of the air above thepiston when it is at top dead center4.The temperature of the air below thepiston when it is at bottom deadcenter7-37.Why is the efficiency of the Otto cycleless than that of the diesel cycle?1.Because the Otto cycle reaches ahigher temperature2.Because the Otto cycle has a lowercompression ratio3.Because the Otto cycle uses agreater amount of air4.Because the Otto cycle uses a smalleramount of air7-38.Assume that an engine has an indicatedhorsepower of 1,600 and uses 400 poundsof fuel per hour. If the fuel has avalue of 20,000 Btu per pound, what isthe indicated thermal efficiency of theengine?1.40.9%2.49.4%3.50.9%4.53.2%7-39.If an engine consumes 70 pounds of fuelin an hour and the fuel has a potentialenergy of 20,000 Btu per pound, what isthe potential power of the engine? (Usethe factor of 2545 Btu per hr/hp.)1.36.4 hp2.55.0 hp3.363.6 hp4.550.1 hp7-40.The overall thermal efficiency of anengine is 50 percent and the brake horse-power is 1,450.00 Btu per hour.What isthe value of the heat input of fuel?1.725,000 Btu per hr2.1,450,000 Btu per hr3.2,000,000 Btu per hr4.2,900,000 Btu per hr7-41.Which of the following factors has thegreatest effect on the mechanicalefficiency of an engine?1.Vaporization2.Corrosion3.Friction4.Combustion7-4 2.What is the relationship between theamount of friction between the movingparts of an engine and the speed of theengine?1.Friction increases at high speeds2.Friction decreases at low speeds3.Friction remains constant throughoutthe speed range4.Friction increases at low speeds anddecreases at high speedsInformation for questions 7-43 through7-53: A 6-cylinder, single-acting,2-stroke cycle, diesel engine has a meaneffective pressure of 104 psi per cylinderwhen operating at full load and rated speed of2,500 rpm. The stroke and cylinder bore are 5inches and 4 inches, respectively. The engine'sfrictional horsepower is 32 hp and does notchange with changes in load or speed. At 2,000rpm, the brake horsepower for the engine is 166hp.45
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