8-36.If you do not have a tank-type cleaner,you can clean an R-12 system by which ofthe following means?1.By flushing boiling water through thesystem three times2.By blowing hot air through the systemwith a blower for 24 hours3.By inserting a hard wool felt filterin the suction strainer screen andoperating the plant with an operator4.By using any one of the above methodsQuestion 8-37 is to be judged True orFalse.8-37.The 2 PD air conditioning control may beused where one common cooling coil servesseveral different spaces.8-38.How should you clean the sensing elementsin humidistats?1.Use a soft brush2.Blow gently with air3.Spray with soap and water solution4.Use a hard brushLearning Objective: Recognize troublesthat may be encountered withrefrigeration and air conditioningsystems,and point out correctivemeasures that may be required.8-39.What should you do to correct lowcondensing pressure in an operatingrefrigeration system?1.Reduce the water supply2.Increase the water pressure3.Clean the valves and the valve nests4.Adjust the high-pressure cutoutswitch8-40.Insufficient refrigerant in arefrigeration plant may cause which ofthe following problems?1.High discharge pressure2.Low suction pressure3.Frosting of the crankcase4.High temperature of the overboardwater8-41.Which of the following actions should youtake to correct a low condensing pressurein a refrigeration system?1.Add refrigerant2.Purge the condenser3.Increase the compressor speed4.Adjust the thermostatic expansionvalve8-42.8-43.8-44.8-45.In an R-12 refrigeration plant, what isthe probable cause if the compressor runscontinuously?1.An open solenoid valve switch2.An inadequate supply of refrigerant3.Clogged condenser tubes4.An excess of liquid refrigerantWhat are the two symptoms that indicatean inadequate supply of water is passingthrough the condenser of a refrigerationplant?1.Excessively low temperature of theoverboard water and low dischargepressure2.High suction pressure and hightemperature of the suction line3.High condensing pressure andcompressor short cycling on highpressure switch4.High suction line temperature andhigh discharge pressureThe cut-in point is set too high on thelow pressure control switch to an R-12refrigeration system.How will thisaffect the functioning of the compressor?1.The compressor will short cycle2.The compressor will not operate3.The compressor will operate unloaded4.The compressor will operatecontinuouslyWhich of the following conditions isprobably caused by an improperly adjustedpressure regulating valve in arefrigeration system?1.The refrigerant is bubbling2.The sudden loss of oil from thecrankcase3.The compressor continues to operateunloaded4.The oil fails to return to thecompressor crankcaseLearning Objective: Point out thegeneral practices, maintenancerequirements, and tasks necessary forproper operation of air compressors andrelated system components, and identifythe safety precautions to be followed.52
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