8-55.Carbonized air compressor valves shouldbe cleaned by soaking in1.gasoline, followed by dressing withemery2.a solution of kerosene andmineral oil3.kerosene, followed by a lightbrushing or scraping4.a strong soda solution, followed bya stiff brushing8-56.When you are inserting valves in acompressor cylinder, you should make surethat they open in which direction?1.Discharge valves open toward thecenter and suction valves openaway from the center of the cylinder2.Suction valves open toward the centerand discharge discharge valves awayfrom the center of the cylinder3.Discharge valves and suction valvesopen toward the center of thecylinder4.Suction valves and discharge valvesopen away from the center of thecylinderQuestions 8-57 and 8-58 are to be judgedTrue or False.8-57.One method of stopping leakage at thethreads of the valve setscrew of a highpressure compressor is to wind a piece ofwire solder around the threads andtighten the locknut over it.8-59.What material is used to repack thefilter of an air compressor controlvalve?1.Wool or sponge2.Cotton or wool3.Linen or sponge4.Nylon or steel wool8-60.Which of the following components of acompressed air system is vital for itssafe operation?1.Control valve2.Discharge valve3.Suction valve4.Relief valve8-61.What liquid should be used to fill thesight flow indicator that providescylinder lubrication to a compressorwhich uses 9250 Navy Symbol oil?1.Distilled water2.Mineral oil3.Glycerine4.Each of the aboveQuestion 8-62 is to be judged True orFalse.8-62.The sight flow indicators should befilled with equal parts of glycerine andmineral oil when the machinery cylindersare lubricated with a Navy Symbol 2000series oil.8-58.The manufacturer's technical manualshould contain detailed instructionsfor the adjustment and maintenance of thevarious control devices to the airsystem components.54
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