indicator cock on each individual cylinder and
check the color of the exhaust.
2. High exhaust temperatures. If the
temperatures of exhaust gases from individual
cylinders become higher than normal, it is an in-
dication of an overload within the cylinder. If the
temperature of the gases in the exhaust header
becomes higher than usual, it is an indication that
all cylinders are probably overloaded. Frequent
checks on the pyrometer will indicate whether
each cylinder is firing properly and carrying its
share of the load. Any sudden change in the
exhaust temperature of any cylinder should be
investigated immediately. The difference in ex-
haust temperatures between any two cylinders
should not exceed the limits prescribed in the
engine manufacturers technical manual.
3. High lubricating oil and cooling water
temperatures. If the temperature gages for these
systems show an abnormal rise in temperature,
an overloaded condition may exist. The causes of
the abnormal temperature in these systems should
be determined and corrected immediately if engine
efficiency is to be maintained.
4. Excessive heat. In general, excessive heat
in any part of the engine may indicate
overloading. An overheated bearing may be the
result of an overloaded cylinder; or an abnormally
hot crankcase may be the result of overloading
the engine as a whole.
5. Excessive vibration or unusual sound. If
all cylinders are not developing an equal amount
of power, the forces exerted by individual pistons
will be unequal. When this occurs, the unequal
forces cause an uneven turning movement to be
exerted on the crankshaft, and vibrations are set
up. Through experience, you will learn to tell by
the vibrations and sound of an engine when a poor
distribution of load exists. You should use every
opportunity to observe and listen to engines
running under all conditions of loading and
Causes of Unbalance
An engine must be kept in excellent
mechanical condition to prevent unbalance. A
leaky valve or fuel injector, leaky compression
rings, or any other mechanical difficulties will
make it impossible for you to balance the load
unless you secure the engine and dismantle at least
a part of it.
To obtain equal load distribution between
individual cylinders, the clearances, tolerances,
and the general condition of all parts that affect
the cycle must be maintained so that very little,
if any, variation exists between individual
cylinders. Unbalance will occur unless the follow-
ing conditions are as nearly alike as possible for
all cylinders:
1. Compression pressures
2. Fuel injection timing
3. Quantity and quality of fuel injected
4. Firing pressures
5. Valve timing and lift
When unbalance occurs, correction usually in-
volves repair, replacement, or adjustment of the
affected part or system. Before any adjustments
are made to eliminate unbalance, it must be deter-
mined beyond any doubt that the engine is in
proper mechanical condition. When an engine is
in good mechanical condition, few adjustments
will be required. However, after an overhaul in
which piston rings or cylinder liners have been
considerable adjustment may be
necessary. Until the rings become properly seated,
some lubricating oil will leak past the rings into
the combustion space. This excess oil will burn
in the cylinder, giving an incorrect indication of
fuel oil combustion. If the fuel pump is set for
normal compression, and the rings have not seated
properly, the engine will become overloaded. As
the compression rises to normal pressures, there
will be an increase in the power developed, as well
as in the pressure and temperature under which
the combustion takes place. Therefore, when an
overhaul has been completed, the engine
instruments must be carefully watched until the
rings are seated, and all necessary adjustments are
made. Frequent compression tests will serve as a
helpful aid in making the necessary adjustments.
Unless an engine is so equipped that compression
can be readily varied, the engine should be
operated under light load until the rings are
properly seated.