the trials. (Running for a few hours at high power
will show any possible condition of improper con-
tact or abnormal wear that would not have shown
up in months of operation at lower powers.)
Check the clearance of the main thrust bearing.
Observe the following safety precautions
which apply to the operation, care, and
maintenance of reduction gears and related equip-
ment found on Navy ships.
1. If churning or emulsification of the oil in
the gear case occurs, the gear must be slowed
down or stopped until the defect is remedied.
2. If the supply of lubricating oil to the gears
fails, the gears should be stopped and the cause
located and remedied.
3. When bearings have been overheated, the
gears should NOT be operatedexcept in extreme
emergenciesuntil bearings have been examined
and defects have been remedied.
4. If excessive flaking of metal from the gear
teeth occurs, the gears should not be adjusted, ex-
cept in case of emergency, until the cause has been
5. Unusual noises should be investigated at
once, and the gears should be operated cautiously
or stopped until the cause for the noise has been
discovered and remedied.
6. No inspection plate, connection, fitting,
or cover which permits access to the gear casing
should be removed without specific authority of
the engineer officer.
7. The immediate vicinity of an inspection
plate joint should be kept free from paint and dirt.
8. When gear cases are open, precautions
should be taken to prevent the entry of foreign
matter. The openings should never be left unat-
tended unless satisfactory temporary closures have
been installed.
9. Lifting devices should be inspected
carefully before being used and should not be
10. Naked lights should be kept away from
vents while gears are in use (the oil vapor may be
11. Ships anchored in localities where there
are strong currents or tides should take precau-
tions and lock the main shafts.
12. When divers are in the vicinity of the pro-
peller, propeller shafts should be locked.
13. When a shaft is allowed to turn or trail,
the lubrication system must be in operation.
14. The main propeller shaft must be brought
to a dead stop position before an attempt is made
to engage or disengage the turning gear.
15. When a main shaft is being locked,
precautions must be taken to apply the brake
quickly and securely.
16. Where there is a limiting maximum safe
speed at which a ship can steam with a locked pro-
peller shaft, this speed should not be exceeded.
17. When the main gears are being jacked
over, precautions must be taken to see that the
turning gear is properly lubricated.
18. Before the main engines are started, it
should be definitely determined that the turning
gear has been disengaged.