ENGINEMAN 1 & CFigure 2-17.—Navy Standard Damage Control Symbology—Continued.Engineering OperationalSequencing SystemTo help make the job of supervision and train-ing easier and more effective, and enhance theoperational capability of shipboard engineeringpersonnel, the Navy has developed a systemknown as the Engineering Operational Sequenc-ing System (EOSS). Essentially, the EOSS is tothe operator what the PMS is to the maintainer.OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS.—The mainpropulsion plants in the ships of the modern dayNavy are becoming more technically complex aseach class of ship is built and joins the fleet.Increased complexity requires increased engineer-ing skills for proper operation. Ships that lack therequired experienced personnel have had materialcasualties which jeopardized their operationalreadiness. In addition, the rapid turnover of theengineering personnel who man and operate theships further compounds the problem of develop-ing and maintaining a high level of operator andoperating efficiency.The Navy has been increasingly aware of theseproblems and has undertaken studies to evaluatethe methods and procedures presently used inoperating complex engineering plants. The results2-30
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