Chapter 2—ADMINISTRATION, SUPERVISION, AND TRAININGa list of functions which are common to all repairparties:1. Each party must be capable of makingrepairs to electrical and sound-powered telephonecircuits.2. Each party must be capable of giving firstaid and transporting injured personnel to battledressing stations without seriously reducing thedamage control capabilities of the repair party.3. Each party must be capable of detecting,identifying, and measuring dose and dose-rateintensities from radiological involvement, and ofsurveying and decontaminating contaminated per-sonnel and areas, except where specifically as-signed to another department as in the case ofnuclear weapons accident/incident.4. Each party must be capable of samplingand/or identifying biological or chemical agents,and of decontaminating areas and personnelaffected as a result of biological or chemical at-tack, except where this responsibility is assignedto the medical department.5. Each party must be capable of controllingand extinguishing all types of fires.6. Each party must be organized to evaluateand report correctly the extent of damage in itsarea. This will include maintaining:Deck plans showing locations of NBC con-tamination, battle dressing and personnel clean-ing stations, and safe routes to them.A casualty board for visual display ofstructural damage.A graphic display board showing damageand action taken to correct disrupted ordamaged systems. The use of standard controlsymbology and the accompanying preprintedmessage format are recommended to facilitaterecording transmitted damage control informa-tion. Use the standard control symbology shownin figure 2-17 to read the message format in figure2-18. In reading this message you should havecome up with the following information: An8-inch hole, 4 feet up from the deck at frame 38,starboard side of compartment 2-35-0-L.Some of the specific functions for whichRepair 5 is responsible in its own assigned areaare listed below:1. Maintenance of stability and buoyancy—members of the repair party must be:a. Stationed so that they can reach allparts of their assigned area with a minimum open-ing of watertight closures.b. Able to repair damage to structures,closures, or fittings that are designed to maintainwatertight integrity, by shoring, plugging,welding, caulking the bulkheads and decks, reset-ting valves, and blanking or plugging lines throughwatertight subdivisions of the ship.c. Be prepared to sound, drain, pump,counterflood, or shift liquids in tanks, voids, orother compartments; and be thoroughly familiarwith the location and use of all equipment andmethods of action.d. Maintain two status boards for accurateevaluation of underwater damage: the StabilityStatus Board (Flooding Effects Diagram) to beused for visual display of all flooding, floodingboundaries, corrective measures taken, and effectson list and trim; the Liquid Load Status Boardto show the current status of all fuel and watertanks and the soundings of each tank in feet andinches.2. Maintenance of ship’s propulsion—the per-sonnel in the repair party must be able to:a. Maintain, make repairs, or isolatedamage to main propulsion machinery andboilers.b. Operate, repair, isolate, and modify thesegregation of vital systems.c. Assist in the operation and repair of thesteering control systems.d. Assist in the maintenance and repair ofcommunications systems.e. Assist Repairs 1, 2, 3, and 4 and thecrash and salvage team when required.2-27
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