ENGINEMAN 1 & CTroubleCompressor will not run.(Cont‘d)Sudden loss of oil fromcrankcase.Possible Cause4. Fuses blown.5. Over-load relays tripped.6. Low voltage.7. Electrical motor in trouble.8. Trouble in starting switchor control circuit.9. Compressor motor stoppedby oil pressure differ-ential switch.Liquid refrigerant sluggingback to compressor crankcase.Capacity reduction systemfails to unload cylinders.Hand operating stem ofcapacity control valve notturned to automatic position.Compressor continues tooperate at full or partial load.Pressure regulating valvenot opening.Capacity reduction systemfails to load cylinders.Broken or leaking oil tubebetween pump and powerelement.Compressor continues tooperate unloaded.Pressure regulating valvenot closing.Corrective Measure4. Test fuses and renewif necessary.5. Re-set relays and findcause of overload.6. Check voltage (shouldbe within 10 percent ofnameplate rating).7. Repair or replace motor.8. Close switch manually totest power supply. IfOK check control circuitincluding temperature andpressure controls.9. Check oil level in crank-case. Check oil pumppressure.Adjust or replace expansionvalve.Set hand operating stem toautomatic position.Adjust or repair pressureregulating valve.Repair leak.Adjust or repair pressureregulating valve.54.299.3Figure 6-12.—Trouble diagnosis chart-Continued.6-20
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