military requirements for advancement. These
manuals are:
Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA
10054 (current edition)
Military Requirements for Petty Officer
3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10056 (current edition)
Military Requirements for Petty Officer
I & C, NAVEDTRA 10057 (current edition)
Each of the military requirements manuals is
mandatory at the indicated pay grade levels. In
addition to giving information on the military
requirements, these three books give a good deal
of useful information on the enlisted rating struc-
ture; on how to prepare for advancement; on how
to supervise, train, and lead other people; and on
how to meet increasing responsibilities as you ad-
vance in rating.
Some of the rate training manuals that may
be useful to you when you are preparing to meet
the occupational qualifications for advancement
are discussed briefly in the following paragraphs.
Tools and Their Uses, NAVEDTRA 10085
(current edition), contains a good deal of useful
information on the care and use of all types of
handtools and portable power tools commonly
used in the Navy.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVED-
TRA 10077 (current edition), chapters 1 through
4 and chapter 7, recommended reading in prepar-
ing for advancement to EN2. The remainder of
the training manual contains additional informa-
tion that may be of value to you as you prepare
for advancement to EN1 and ENC.
Mathematics, Vol. 1, NAVEDTRA 10069
(current edition), and Mathematics, Vol. 2,
NAVEDTRA 10071 (current edition), may be
helpful if you need to brush up on your
mathematics. Volume 1 contains basic informa-
tion that is needed for using formulas and for
making simple computations. Volume 2 contains
more advanced information than you will need
for most purposes. However, occasionally, you
may find the information in this book to be
Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (cur-
rent edition), must be satisfactorily completed for
advancement to EN3 and EN2. If you have met
this requirement by satisfactorily completing
earlier editions of training manuals prepared for
Enginemen, you should at least become familiar
with Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541 (cur-
rent edition). Much of the information given in
this edition of Engineman I & C is based on the
assumption that you are familiar with the con-
tents of Engineman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10541
(current edition).
Rate training manuals prepared for other
Group VII (Engineering and Hull) ratings are
often a useful source of information. Reference
to these training manuals will broaden your
knowledge of the duties and skills of other per-
sonnel in the engineering department. The train-
ing manuals prepared for Machinists Mates,
Boiler Technicians, and Machinery Repairmen are
likely to be of particular interest to you.
For a complete listing of rate training manuals,
consult the List of Training Manuals and Cor-
respondence Courses, NAVEDTRA 10061 (latest
Correspondence Courses
Most rate training manuals and officer texts
are used as the basis for correspondence courses.
Credit for the completion of a mandatory train-
ing manual is earned by passing the cor-
respondence course that is based on that training
manual. You will find it helpful to take other cor-
respondence courses, as well as those that are
based on mandatory training manuals. A cor-
respondence course helps you to master the in-
formation given in the training manual or text.
It also gives you a good idea of how much you
have learned.
A number of publications issued by the Naval
Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) will be of in-
terest to you. While you do not need to know
everything that is given in the publications men-
tioned here, you should have a general idea of
where to find information in NAVSEA