ENGINEMAN 1 & CThe Naval Ships’ Technical Manual is a basicdoctrine publication of NAVSEA. To allow theship to distribute copies to the working spaceswhere information is required, chapters are nowissued as separate paper-bound volumes. Chaptersare kept up to date by means of yearly revisions.Chapters are reviewed less frequently where yearlyrevisions are not necessary. In chapters whereintra-year changes are required, either an intra-year edition or a NAVSEA Notice is distributedas a temporary supplement for use pending issueof the new edition of the chapter.You will find chapters in Naval Ships’Technical Manual of particular importance to theEngineman referenced in this training manual.For a list of all chapters in the manual, seeappendix A, chapter 001.The Deck Plate is a monthly publication whichcontains interesting and useful information on allaspects of shipboard engineering. This magazineis particularly useful because it presents informa-tion which supplements and clarifies informationcontained in the Naval Ships’ Technical Manualand because it presents information on new equip-ment, policies, and procedures.Manufacturers’ technical manuals that are fur-nished with most machinery units and many typesof equipment are valuable sources of informationon operation, maintenance, and repair ofmachinery and equipment. The manufacturers’technical manuals for internal combustion enginesand associated equipment are usually givenNAVSEA numbers.TRAINING FILMSTraining films which are available to navalpersonnel are a valuable source of supplementaryinformation on many technical subjects. Filmsthat may be of interest to you are listed in theDepartment of the Navy Catalog of AudiovisualProduction Products, OPNAVINST 3 157.1.When selecting a film, note its date of issuein the film catalog. As you know, proceduressometimes change rapidly. Thus some filmsbecome obsolete rapidly. If a film is obsoleteonly in part, it may sometimes be shown effec-tively if before or during its showing you carefullypoint out to trainees the procedures that havechanged. When you plan to show a film to trainpersonnel, take a look at it in advance if possibleso that you may spot material that may havebecome obsolete, then verify current proceduresby looking them up in the appropriate sourcesbefore showing the film.1-10
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